Sunday 27 October 2024

What I've been reading in October

 I've definitely slowed down with my reading since the summer - my only book this month was Swimming To Lundy by Amanda Prowse.  This was one of the choices from the online book club run by Leslie.

The main character in this book is Tawrie Gunn who is feeling that life is passing her by.  Still living in the same house in the same seaside town where she was born but tethered to the family home following the tragedy of her father being lost at sea when she was small.  Her mother's grief has resulted in her becoming an alcoholic and Tawrie feels that she has to stay home to help her grandmother to look after her.

As time moves on she feels that there has to be more to life than working in her cousin's cafe, and Tawrie dreams of training to becoming a nurse and then midwife which would be more fulfilling.  Feeling desperate for some kind of change, no matter how small, Tawrie joins the Peacock Swimmers who take a daily swim in the sea.  Unbeknown to Tawrie, there are only two other swimmers but nonetheless she joins the group, swimming in the sea which separates the coastline from Lundy Island which is where her dad drowned.  Being in that area of sea makes Tawrie feel closer to her dad and she finds comfort in talking to him whilst in the water which took his life.

An unexpected encounter with a man named Ed who is visiting the area leads to romance.  Little does Tawrie know that this was not the first time that they met and they aren't the strangers she thought they were.  Furthermore, Ed has a past which he is not in a hurry to reveal.

This is a book which is a bit of a slow burner!  I did enjoy it but it seemed to take a long time to come together.  I felt that Tawrie really needed to have a bit more 'get up and go' but it was clever how the stories of Tawrie and Harriet are intertwined and I enjoyed the description of the location of the story which brought back happy memories of holidays on that part of the English coastline.  If you are looking for an easy read this is a good book to try!

Monday 21 October 2024

Me on Monday

 Monday finds us in decorating mode again, lounge and dining room this time.  It looks so empty down there with all the picture off the walls and books and glasses out of the display unit.  It's also a time of not knowing where to go or what to do in your own home!  

I'm happy to report that my theatre trip with Olive was a great success.  The actors followed the book word for word and the costumes and set were exactly the same as in the book.  Olive particularly liked the part where the Tiger ate all the food and then danced around the kitchen!  

Rosie and I completed the crystal picture that we’ve been working on, I think I enjoyed it as much as she did! It’s very relaxing ☺️ 

So what else does this week bring?  Well tomorrow is already causing me some anxiety as it starts with a check up at the dentist (I am as bemused as anyone else as to why I should get in a state over a ten minute examination) and ends with a doctor's appointment to discuss the results of my recent blood test. My cholesterol has been raised for the last 4 years but each time they say that my ratio of good to bad is good so I don't need statins.  I'm wondering if now that I am over 65 they may change their mind?

The end of the week see mega childcare - not to mention puppy minding!  Our son and daughter in law are going to a wedding in the Czech Republic so we have Olive and Max here - and Mario the puppy - overnight Friday.  Handing them over to Sophie's sister on Saturday for her turn of looking after them for a night but that evening we have Leo and Rosie staying over (without Daisy) while our daughter and son in law are out at a birthday party.  I predict a very tired Nanny and Grandad on Sunday!

Before we know it, it will be the end of another busy week!

Monday 14 October 2024

Me on Monday

 I'm typing this whilst admiring the hard work of the decorator who painted our hall, landing and stairs last week.  We didn't realise how tatty the woodwork had become until he started painting over it - what we had thought of as white had actually dulled to a pale cream.  Not any more!  So we have a week's break now and then he'll return to do the lounge and dining room.  

So the big thing to happen unexpectedly last week was the Northern Lights being seen in our skies.

I honestly never thought I would see them so what a lovely surprise.

I'm pleased to report that we had no reactions to our flu vaccination other than an ache in the arm for a couple of days.  I'm relieved that we were feeling well as we unexpected had L & R sleeping over here on Wednesday night - after a day of looking after our other granddaughter, it would not have been good if I'd been feeling under par.

Other unexpected (by us) news is that our son has a new family member.  A springer spaniel who has been named Mario - yes the children were allowed to choose his name!  Boy are they going to be kept busy by that.  

So this week sees me taking Olive to the theatre.  Nothing too highbrow for her first theatre experience - The Tiger Who Came to Tea.  I'm hoping she will enjoy it!  I'll let you know how it goes next week.

As for today, I'm hoping that the rain will stop soon and it will be more pleasant walking around town picking up Olive's birthday present and card.  Have a good week!

Monday 7 October 2024

Me on Monday

 At the grand age of 66, I’m here to tell you that time does indeed pass more quickly the older you get!

Last week went past in the blink of an eye. I think I was a bit ambitious in planning to have three different groups of people here for food and drink within the space of a week! I am socialised out 😆 It was lovely to see everyone but I seemed to spend most of my time between visits either cooking or tidying up the house.

Let me tell you how many people we have coming over this week (not counting grandchildren!) None. Zero. No one. Well we do have one person, but he is the decorator and the only catering needed is hot drink making!

So a nice relaxing week is on the cards.  I am popping into town on Wednesday with my daughter as she has to have hearing aids fitted and they suggested she brought someone along with her, I’m not sure why! She was diagnosed with Ménière’s disease last year and it has damaged her hearing and prompted the onset of tinnitus. She went for a trial appointment last week to see what type will suit her best and said the difference was amazing. 

My mask for the masquerade ball has arrived! It’ll need a few more feathers added to it but I think it will be perfect for my outfit.

Then on Friday it is Knit and Natter time again but someone else’s turn to host 😊 I have finished the little cardigan that I was making so will be handing that over to be sent to Ukraine. Time to turn my attention to the blanket I was making, now I have to hope that I can pick up where I left off! 

Have a good week!

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Photo scavenger hunt - the final check in

 Well that’s it, summer is officially over as it’s time to publish the remaining photos! Earlier finds cane be found here and here.

All that were left were the following

4 What's on your feet

These flip flops have definitely been worn for the last time this year!

7 Favourite summer reading nook/space

11 A kitchen utensil you hardly use

I used to use this bread maker a lot, several times a week in fact but then we got out of the habit and a couple of loaves didn't come out so well and now the machine has been relegated to the utility room, unused and unloved.

13 Mark the passage of time

It's hard to see in the photo but this is the doorframe in our kitchen with pencil marks to show the heights of the grandchildren.

Aternate B in place of 15 Something you've repurposed I've chosen stamping.

I don't send so many pieces of post nowadays but like to send birthday cards.

Another fun summer of finding examples to fit the criteria - huge thanks to Ruth for hosting this year!

Monday 30 September 2024

What I’ve been reading in September


I enjoyed reading this book, it was easy to read and I warmed to all the characters. After breaking up with her boyfriend Jo travels to London to look after her uncle’s stationery shop while he recovers from illness.  Intrigued by the snippets of life that her customers share with her,, she finds that she is enjoying her time there more than she expected. She expands the selection of fountain pens and enjoys collecting the short notes that her customers scribble whilst testing the pens.

An unlikely friendship evolves between Jo and two of her customers, Ruth (the Runaway Vicar) and Malcolm. They unite through their quest to help Malcolm research a book that he is writing, which results in them imagining the unlikely relationships that may spring up between the ghosts of the people buried in Highgate Cemetery.

I would recommend this book, I enjoyed the relationships that grows between the characters and looked forward to reading at least one more chapter each evening.

For the first time in a while, I have only managed to read one book this month!  I have started this one, and am enjoying it but still have a quarter to read.

If you have read any Marian Keyes books before, you will already know the Walsh family but you don't need to have read the earlier books to enjoy this story.  

Anna Walsh has returned to Dublin from America and is recovering from the car crash which killed her husband and left her scarred.  Despite living a highly successful life as a PR in the beauty industry in Manhattan she has tired of her time there and to the surprise of her family - I mean, who on earth would walk away from a job which offered so many high end cosmetic freebies - she hopes to find a new beginning back in Ireland.

With no job and no home of her own she agrees to help out her friends who are finding much local opposition to their plans to open a luxury coastal resort.  They ask her to use her PR experience to defuse the anger and vandalism being caused by the locals of the small town.  However, the other person who has been asked to assist her is an old flame, Joey Armstrong. 

There's always a lighthearted storyline behind the main situation and with Anna, it is finding herself in the middle of menopause without easy access to HRT.  Something that was freely available without question in Manhattan is surprisingly difficult to have prescribed by the Irish doctors she approaches.  Needless to say this has an effect on Anna's hormones and they way she feels she is seen as a woman in her 40s.  

Marian Keyes has such a turn of phrase, and such a down to earth humour that she manages to mix the amusing with the serious in a very clever way.  The family drama that accompanies the Walsh family is cleverly done and I'm looking forward to finishing the book to see how Anna's story concludes.

So that's it from me this Monday, I have to crack on with tidying the house and preparing food as we have friends coming for lunch in a couple of hours!

Have a good week!

Friday 27 September 2024

#WBOYC in September


Once again I am joining in with the What's Been on Your Calendar theme, hosted by Deb (normally in Australia, but currently in the UK!)


Southwold, one of my favourite places and a lovely location for a long weekend away with Coco. 


Enjoying more normal routines after the six weeks school holidays - ah the bliss of four mornings to ourselves! There's still two school pick ups and a day of looking after Olive but that is much more relaxing than the holiday schedule.


Putting summer clothes away and returning winter outfits to the front of the wardrobe.  Also time for warmer pyjamas!


Thinking about what I can wear to a Masquerade party in December. Suggestions will be very welcome.  I'm thinking some wide leg silky trousers with a gold sequin top and a very fancy mask with feathers but that could all change!


Emptying out the freezer to defrost it ready for the Christmas goodies. Not a fun job but boy does it feel good when it is done and any suspect out of date bits have been cleared away.


My wedding anniversary!  Forty four years - doesn't that sound a long time? We went to Maldon for a picnic on the green there and went to friends in the evening for drinks. Our proper treat to ourselves was our long weekend in Southwold the following weekend.   


Blood tests done as part of our annual health check. There's always something slightly out of range that gets shown up. There’s a bit of a question mark over my cholesterol levels 😬


Enjoying joining in a Knit & Natter group. Through spending two or three hours in a creative atmosphere means I have finished Rachel’s jumper and started knitting a baby cardigan to send to Ukraine via a local charity drive.


Replacing the shower unit in our ensuite.  The existing one was 20 years old so we've had our monies worth!  It isn't until you replace old with new that we realised how discoloured the shower tray has become.

Reopening of our town park, there has been a lot of tidying up, renovation of the coffee shop, planting of wildflowers,archaeological digs, building of skate parks and extra play equipment. It’s a lovely place to visit and walk along the River Stort and it was a lovely sunny afternoon at the beginning of the month for the ‘ribbon cutting’ ceremony.

So all that is left to share is my month so far in pictures, 1 Second Everyday