I think I'm a bit late to the party so bear with me - but do you know how absolutely delicious avocado on toast is for breakfast? When Nigella Lawson showed it on her cookery programme last year I was one of those people who sighed and said 'Really Nigella? Mashing up an avocado and turning it into a recipe? Seriously?'
But we are on a bit of a health kick over here in Deb's World. I love cooking and am always on the lookout for new things to try. Seems like everywhere I looked last week, someone was extolling the virtues of avocado so instead of the trusty egg and bacon English breakfast on Sunday I decided to try something different.
- Crusty sourdough bread toasted nicely
- cherry tomatoes roasted in the oven to go by the side
- avocado mashed with a sprinkling of chilli flakes, salt and balsamic vinegar
- piled on top of toast and returned to the grill for a little while.
My husband freestyled his and added a poached egg on top which he assures me was delicious but I'm not so sure about that. The only person not happy with the new breakfast was Coco. Avocado is definitely on the 'fatal to dogs' list and so no titbits or leftovers around for her. And this definitely fits the criteria from Sian for sharing something new that you learned/did over the last week!
Can you feel the beet?
I'm also trying something else new but can't report back officially for another week or so. This one, not quite so delicious. I go to a cookery club once a month and this month's theme was Healthy Vegetables. Now I'm pretty sure there isn't a vegetable out that isn't good for you but really the theme was meat free healthy meals.
Talk turned to the validity of 'Superfoods' (we had a couple of aubergine recipes to try!) The lady who is front of house at the restaurant told us how she has to take tablets for high blood pressure and before Christmas, even with medication her BP was very high. So she has been drinking beetroot juice for a month and her BP is now so good she is almost at the point of not needing any medication. Now, I don't officially have high blood pressure but I'm the higher end of 'normal' so I was interested to hear this and naturally consulted Dr Google on my return home. Turns out that there is scientific proof that it works. Something to do with nitrates and anti-oxidants. Now I'm not a huge fruit juice drinker so it's not an ideal thing for me but it's surprisingly 'ok' (there is a little bit of apple juice added to it to sweeten it) and I will let you know if it works for me another Monday further down the line!
Not so much Edward Scissor-hands as Deb Pruner-fingers
I have a bit of a reputation for being a bit ruthless in the garden when it comes to 'cutting back' and I'm not often allowed out unaccompanied with a pair of secateurs. As it was lovely and mild on Saturday, we decided to go on a bit of a tidy up and at that time, I thought that the thing I learned this weekend was that below all the old foliage, Mother Nature has started bringing out a bit of colour. Sorry Mother Nature, but the avocado story overtook you for first place. However, as I failed to take a photo of the breakfast before we demolished it, this is the picture that makes the cut!