We made our way to the 'dog friendly' area of the beach (only one half of the resort allows dogs on the beach between May and September) and Coco was happy to feel the sand between her paws.
As you can see, the sun was shining and although there was a breeze from the sea, we are experienced British beach visitors and were well prepared for all weather eventualities! Happy to report that the sweater I had packed was not needed after all.
It was so lovely to be there, it wasn't crowded, but there were still plenty of people enjoying the beach - some even swimming in the sea - I only braved it as far as my ankles but have to admit that after the initial chilly feeling, it did feel very refreshing! The tide came in around lunchtime so we went back up the hill to the green that overlooks the sea and ate our picnic in the sun - and without sand getting in our 'sand'wiches.
We came home mid afternoon, showered, changed and then met some friends to go for a meal to the local pub. Feeling brave but a little anxious we waited outside to be shown to our table but it was very reassuring to see that the amount of tables has reduced, with good seating, sanitiser for customer use, paper menus that can be put in the recycling after you've finished with them, and you can order and pay via an app on your phone. It was remarkably relaxing and I'm pleased that we went.
Our local swimming pool has reopened so Paul investigated that today. You have to pre-book a 50 minute time slot, they have made all the lanes double the normal width and you have to say which one you will use, slow, medium or fast. You are asked to arrive with your swimming costumes beneath your clothes so you can undress speedily and spend as little time as possible in the changing room. He said it was great! There were only 5 other people in the pool at the same time as him and he ended up swimming more lengths than he used to manage. It makes you wonder though how long gyms can survive with such small reduced volumes of customers if that was indicative of how many people are using the facilities.
So that is our venture into 'normality' so far. It hasn't made me less cautious, but it was reassuring the see that businesses are taking all the rules seriously. Have you tried anything 'new' this week?