Friday, 28 February 2025

#WBOYC in February

 What's been on my calendar?  Truthfully, not very much!

The weather has been miserable, but that's no excuse really for not doing things but boy does it take more of an effort!

So here we go

Watching and reading

We have started watching Zero Day on Netflix which seems like it may be something we will both enjoy.  Also enjoying Amanda and Alan's Spanish Job, where Amanda Holden and Alan Carr are renovating a large house in a small Spanish village.  The chemistry between them is hilarious.  The new series of Unforgotten has begun and I'm already wondering how all these different strands of story are going to link together.  I am ashamed to say that I have only read one book this month.  You can see that review here.


I've met up with a few old friends for coffee this month.  Paul and I haven't been out for a meal at all, but we did cook a special meal at home for Valentine's Day and we did have friends over for a takeaway Indian a couple of weeks ago which was really tasty.  You see what I mean when I say February = hibernation!

Self care

I am still going to the Pilates class, I'm not sure there's been a huge improvement in my balance and flexibility but it's still early days!  Zumba is still a lot of fun and always puts you in a feel good frame of mind for the rest of the day.

There was a Pneumococcal vaccination for me, another 'benefit' of being over 65!  You only have to have it once in your lifetime and I had no side effects so that was good to do.

I had the CT scan on my liver at the beginning of the month but am still waiting anxiously for the follow up consultation which isn't until the beginning of March and even then it will be a telephone appointment rather than face to face.  

Naturally there has been a hair cut and I had my BIAB manicure removed to let my nails breath.  The minute that polish comes off my nails go from looking perfect to different sizes and shapes.  I really should look after them better when they are more vulnerable to breaking!

Days out

We haven't had any days out this month - what a boring post this is!  At the risk of sounding incredibly British, the weather has not been conducive to going out for the day.  Plus our local councils have road works going on with closed roads and traffic lights on every approach road into and out of town.  On the day of my scan, it took us 55 minutes to do a trip that should take 20 - thank goodness Paul had come with me and was able to drop me at the door and then fight for a parking space.  I would have been even more stressed if I'd been late and not able to park!

At the risk of blaming the grandchildren, obviously as it was half term we had them here for longer on the days that I normally just do school pick up and dinner duties.  So that was lovely, except Olive was not impressed by having her big brother gatecrashing her Nanny and Grandpa day.  

Although we haven’t ventured far, I tend to forget that most weekends we go to the country park which is close to where we live. It’s a favourite walking route for Coco. As it’s on our doorstep I don’t include it as going out, but for many people who live further away it is considered a lovely place to travel to for a day out.

Here’s my 1 second everyday video!

Deb in Australia has been far busier than me, check out her monthly round up Here

Monday, 24 February 2025

Me on Monday

 This week it finally feels like Spring is trying hard to come through

I met a friend for coffee at a farm shop in a village which is half way between us both and look at the view from the window, blue skies … BLUE! I also wore a jacket, not a full coat ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Then on Saturday is was warm enough to be out in the garden tidying up the flower borders rather than sitting inside looking out the window at the jobs that need doing. It was a good surprise to see that an anemone that Max had given me on my birthday last year is coming back into flower.

We have even bought a new garden bench, but may wait until we’ve had more than one warm day before we put it in the garden! Don’t want to tempt fate eh?

I was reminded of this photo which was taken ten years ago

I had taken part in a quilting square swap with a group of other bloggers and this was the lap quilt I made with the squares I was sent. Such a lovely group of bloggers. I miss those days! 

So this week, what does it hold? A Pilates class, a hair cut, a day of looking after Olive, a Zumba class and a knit and natter get together. A good selection of things!

How is your week looking?

Friday, 21 February 2025

My book list for February

I'm not sure that one book constitutes a 'list' but I've been slow on the reading front this month and only have one book review to share.  I'm half way through another book but will save that for March!

I've read a few books by K L Slater now so when I saw this one reviewed on Gail's blog I decided to down load it onto my kindle.

Imagine how you would feel if you received some messages from a friend 'Can't speak ... don't text or call ... please just come'  You would be worried wouldn't you?  You would drop what you were doing and rush to her home.  Especially when, as soon as she has seen them, the messages are deleted.  This is what happens to Saffy, but when she arrives at her friend Leona's house she denies all knowledge of sending a message and assures her that all is well.  Saffy goes into the house to check for herself that nothing untoward is happening, but can't help feeling concerned as she feels that Leona's husband has a controlling nature and Leona may be scared to say anything in front of him.

Hours later that evening the police come to Saffy's house to tell her that her friend and young daughter is missing, there is blood in the upstairs of the house and it would appear that Saffy was the last person to see them before they disappeared.

There is a big back story to Saffy and Leona's friendship and the ties that bind them and these strands are cleverly interwoven into the story.  The frustration felt by Saffy is not helped by the unsympathetic police inspector who clearly thinks that Saffy is the number one suspect.

If you are a fan of K L Slater's work and enjoy psychological thrillers, this is a good book to read.

I'll be back next month and will hopefully have more to share then!

Monday, 10 February 2025

Me on Monday

What a week we had last week! Jammed to the rafters with medical matters. I had my CT scan, my son had an ultrasound scan and daughter had an operation on her nose. By Friday I was a nervous wreck.  My son had immediate good news from his scan, my daughter’s op was a success and my experience wasn’t as traumatic as I thought it was going to be. My elbows are a rainbow of colours where they inserted the cannula for the contrast dye, unsuccessfully in my left arm then awkwardly in my right! Not sure when I’ll hear the outcome.

I bought two items this week, a pair of hand weights for Pilates and a car ๐Ÿ˜Š My new Mini is ordered and should be here end of March. It’s good to have gone through all the options and chosen colours and specifications, even though it’s only 3 years since I got my current model the design and interior have change dramatically so I will need a long time at handover to go through all the new services! 

My knit and natter group met up on Friday and yes I am STILL making my blanket

The end is in sight but it’s quite a size and weight to work on now, which is actually quite nice on a chilly winter evening!

Do you have plans for Valentine’s Day? I think we will just cook a nice meal in the evening, we are still in our February hibernation mode. I am so looking forward to warmer, drier weather and for the nights to stay lighter for longer.  I hope that whatever your plans are, you have a good week ahead ๐Ÿ˜Š

Monday, 3 February 2025

Me on a February Monday

 Happy February!

It’s so lovely to see small glimpses of plants emerging from the soil

On our morning dog walk over the park on Sunday the ground had a heavy frost upon it but the sun was shining and you could see steam rising from the wood as we walked across the bridge

So this first Monday in February finds me ready for my Pilates class. We are using weights today apparently but as I don’t have hand weights I will be using tinned tomatoes ๐Ÿ˜† I shall wait to see how I get on before investing in the proper equipment!

Anxiety levels are high as I have my CT scan tomorrow; I have to keep telling myself that by this time tomorrow it will be nearly over and worrying about it isn’t going to help in any way at all. Quite the opposite in fact.

I am returning to the Mini garage later today to sign the papers for my new car so that is something to look forward to. Minis are such lovely cars to drive, I think this will be my fifth! The one I have at the moment is in desperate need of a wash but I am a fair weather car washer and it’s easy to find a reason not to get the buckets and sponges out!

Have a good week x