
Tuesday, 22 July 2008


The sight of the word 'games' on school timetables used to fill me with fear. When it comes to competitive sports I am the person you least want on your team. It really doesn't bother me if I come first or last and am more likely to collapse in a heap of giggles when things go horribly wrong on court. My attitude to football finals is 'well there is always next year' or 'they shouldn't be disappointed, they did really well to get that far'.
But, when it comes to non physical games, I am in my element! I love the games on Facebook like Wordtwist, Pathwords or Scramble and am a demon at Boggle. I can get obsessive at Shut the Box, of course I will be able to shut the last one if I just have one more go! We've just bought a Wii and for once in my life I am good at ten pin bowling. But apparently hilarious to watch as I pit my wits against the tv screen.
When the children were young we always played board games on a Sunday evening and Rumikub was a favourite, despite the fact that I always consider myself to be 'mathematically challenged'!

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