
Sunday, 4 January 2009


Easy to make - sometimes difficult to keep! I guess we all start a new year with the intention to get round to doing all those things we meant to do - but didn't - the year before. Sometimes something specific happens that makes us realise we must seize the day, and make the most of every opportunity, that life is too short to not do all the things we would like to.

The 2 resolutions that seem to come up each year are to conquer my need for chocolate on a daily basis and to get more exercise. I do a class once a week and go for a Power Walk on my day off but that doesn't equate to the 3 bursts of exercise we are told to aim for. I need to get that Wii fit out more often!

One resolution that isn't on my page is that I intend to see more of my old friends this year. Friends flit in and out of our lives as our circumstances change - from school to work to starting families - and it is too easy to lose touch with those who have been friends from years before. It's always great to catch up with old friends and we always leave with the sentence 'We really ought to do this more often' - so this year my friends - WE WILL!

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