
Friday, 20 August 2010

K1, slip 1, PSSO

Oh yes, the knitting needles are out! I've been thinking about doing some knitting for a while now and more and more people are doing 'wooly' things on their blogs so after I finished work yesterday I popped into town and went wool shopping. Back in the late 70s and early 80s knitting was so popular. I knitted so much stuff. For everyone (whether they wanted it or not!). Check this out for a work of art, I knitted this when I was first married and haven't dared to throw it away since, it was such a labour of love!

Ready for a close up?

So I considered my options - who would want my first offering? Almost 24 year old ultra trendy daughter - possibly not. Husband? Nope, I want my first project to be little and quickly finished to inspire me to do more, so a man sized sweater is not ticking any boxes. 20 year old uni student Son. Likely to do that whole eyebrow raising thing if I suggest anything hand made. So how convenient is it that my niece has her gorgeous little bundle of daughter. 3 months old. Two balls of super soft pale pink baby wool and a little cardigan pattern - that'll do nicely.

Act 2 Scene 1

Woman sits knitting in conservatory oblivious to the passing of time.
Outside, the sound of a car drawing up on the drive. A car door slams. Footsteps approach the front door.
A weary Building Surveyor opens the door, throws his keys in the dish on the hall table. Sighs loudly as he takes off his shoes and drops his briefcase to the floor. He opens the kitchen door expectantly.
The woman frantically hides the half finished back of a baby cardigan, wool and knitting needles under a cushion as she rushes into the kitchen.
Husband: I've had an awful day, what have you been up to?
Me: Oh you know, been really busy. Went into work this morning, then lots and lots of housework. Hoovering, cleaning bathroom, dusting, washing, ironing. I'm quite exhausted actually ....


  1. You really are a very naughty girl Deb! Again, I am giggling at my laptop reading your blog, love the thought of knitting and may well have to get something on the go ready for the winter.

  2. Am tempted to start knitting again as well,Deb.And,strangely enough, I recognise some of those comments to OH!!!!!

  3. Oh that sounds too familiar ! - Looking good, and you could always buy some darkish blue and white wool and knit a Tottenham scarf tee hee xx

  4. Oh, brilliant, another knitter!! That 80's jumper is a work of art - no way I could throw it out either, in fact I must see if I can find my "picture jumper" I did remember those? And you are right: my son would never wear something I knitted. That would be way too Ron Weasley.

  5. And so the play of life continues. Too funny!

  6. Do I detect a pattern forming? (pardon the pun!)'s such a tough life sometimes, isn't it?!!!

    Do you know...ever since Sian mentioned knitting on her blog last week, I've had the urge to venture into the loft, where there is a huge box of yarns & pattern books!! I used to have such a weakness for 'Clearance' end-of-line balls of yarn at JLP when the boys were small!! Somehow, I never got around to using it all!!!

  7. DHs just don't get it, do they? When we are at home, we have more than enough to fill our time, including knitting!

  8. rofl!! I so recognise the 'hurriedly stop what you're doing and look busy as soon as you hear husband arrive home' scenario... ;-) I'm not a knitter myself but I love seeing what everyone else makes - looking forward to seeing some dinky pink goodness! xx

  9. hehehehe, sounds like another day I was reading about over here!
    That jumper is amazing Deb - certainly do NOT ever part with that one!

  10. You go Deb! I am decidedly not a knitter!

  11. That sounds familiar, lol. This was so funny to read Deb, good luck with your knitting - don't forget to post a piccy.

    I love the new blog by the way, it's so pretty.
