
Wednesday 4 July 2012

Come in Number 10

10 A horse

Scavenger Hunt picture of ‘A Horse’.  Done.  I drive past a local stable every day on my way to work and so knew I would be able to tick this one off fairly easily.  However, this horse was determined to make an easy photo as difficult as it possibly could.  It’s pretty marshy down by the entrance to the paddock because of all the rain we’ve had recently and I’m only 5’ 1” so I had to be on tippy toes anyway to get a photo with no gate railings in the way.  The minute I had the horse in my view finder, it gave a whinny, shook it’s mane and did a circuit of the field.   We played this little game a few times and just as I thought I was going to have to give up and go home, it got bored and came close enough and stayed still enough for a photo.  The other wildlife was far more cooperative.


Talking of wildlife, my daughter took the dog for a birthday treat of a walk in the forest last night.  We live pretty close to Hatfield Forest and it’s lovely to go for long walks over there.  I knew something had happened when I had a phone call asking me to run a bath for when they got home.  Someone had got rather over excited rolling around in the field where the cows had been grazing.  I’ll say no more.


  1. Yep, the horse was having a bit of fun with you. He is a handsome horse though.

  2. Yep....he certainly is a fine looking horse.

  3. great horse shot even if you had to work for it. but ewwwwww on the dog bath!

  4. Funny, our dog has had 2 baths already this week and it's only Wednesday!

  5. I fully understand - Kiera came home stinking of something at the weekend, even after David had put her in the river several times!

  6. Well done for persevering Deb!Hope Coco is beautiful again!
    Alison xx

  7. Ah the joys of the animal kingdom...both domestic & wildlife! Beautifully capturd Deb! :D

  8. you got there in the end, great photo!

  9. Oh why do they do that? Edwin loves to roll on anything that has fish! Makes no sense!

    That is a fantastic horse pic!
