
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Swinging for a scavenger

Guess what I found at the weekend?
A swing hanging off a tree branch - and I didn't have to sneak up steps to a terrace while the owner was elsewhere to photograph it!  Now I know that branch looks pretty spindly but I must point out that the swinger who uses this is just under two years old and the seat of the swing is maybe only 10" off the ground.
Now I just have a bride to find, but as my friend's daughter gets married this Thursday, I'm hoping that I will tick that last one off the list and finish off the mini book that documents this project.


  1. nearly finished? You have done well, I'm still looking for that pesky swing!!

  2. Good for you! I can't wait to see the bride.

  3. I'm still looking for one of these as well...great catch.

  4. Yes, well done - and I am glad to see you could maintain all local trespass rules!

  5. Well done's the Library that's catching me out now!Alison xx

  6. Doesn't it look like a lovely leafy little spot for a swing?

  7. So cool - and that's awesome that you are almost finished with the list! I still have 8 to go...

  8. Only one left? You did real good and will come in way before the deadline. Well done.

  9. Well done you...the swing & the bride are two on the list that I feel will be most difficult!! But with a whole month left I'll keep looking!! :D

  10. Glad you found a swing. And it looks so inviting for a child to hop on to. Well done you for nearly finishing.

  11. Wow nearly finished! I am not even half way. Love the swing though.

  12. You've done really well to finish ahead of the pack! Looking forward to the bride photo - perhaps I ought to start hovering around churches on a Saturday ...
