Monday 19 November 2012

Hello Monday

Hello Monday - Have you seen my crafting mojo?  I seem to have left it somewhere and can't find it.  I'm sure it'll turn up soon but it's definitely nowhere to be found at the moment.
Hello Monday - I have plans to try and get myself a bit organised re Christmas presents this year.  Maybe today I'll start by making a list of the people for whom I need to buy presents.  
Hello Monday - I need to give myself a big shake up and stop thinking and start doing. 
Hello Monday - Please remind me that browsing Pinterest does not constitute Christmas shopping.
Hello Monday - Those photos we took in Edinburgh are still on the computer and not being printed.  They will not upload themselves to Photobox.  Let's make today the day that I do that small job which may, in turn, help with Hello Monday #1
Hello Monday - Instead of browsing Pinterest this week, maybe I'll actually take a trip into town with the list I made in Hello Monday #2 and buy something!
Hello Monday - And what about all those new recipes I have been cutting out of magazines, downloading from the internet etc?  Should this be the week that I actually start cooking some of them?  This may help with Hello Monday #3
Hello Monday - I have a week of good intentions.  Do you think I'm likely to follow them?
Tune in next week to find out!


This West London Life said...

Wishing you well with those intentions!

alexa said...

Your number 4 made me smile! You are clearly pushing yourself into doing things, this week - articulating them is likely halfway there :).

humel said...

Good luck! I've been doing plenty of thinking myself - I blame my foot for the lack of doing, but it isn't necessarily just that. For example, I've done a fair bit of Christmas shopping, but still haven't actually made the list, even though I could tick plenty off it already....

scrappyjacky said...

I'm the world's worst procrastinator....but trying hard not to be!!
Good luck.

Sian said...

Best of luck with it all

When it comes to Photobox I am a terrible procrastinator: there is something about that job I really don't like!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Nice job trying to hold yourself accountable. I could use a great big to-do list myself.

Scrappi Sandi said...

Yep! Good idea to get it all sorted earlier rather than later!! Then you can enjoy the moment instead of having a 'last minute' panic!! I'm hoping to do this myself!!...only five weeks to go!! :D

Kirsty.A said...

Good luck with it. You know where the Road paved with Good Intentions leads, don't you?

Amy said...

Good luck with all of these intentions - I look forward to next Monday when you tell us how many you have achieved!

Alison said...

Hope you get SOME of those jobs done Deb...and I know what you mean about the mojo..I think mine may be in hiding with your own!!
Alison xx

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Good luck with the intentions! My crafting mojo has come back but my desire to try new recipes has gone. It's like an either/or thing with me.

I'm still waiting on gift lists to start my shopping.

Denise said...

Now- this is not like you Mrs K. I think you will certainly fulfill a few of them..don't tell me I've bought pressies before you this year !!x x