
Thursday, 28 February 2013

My month in numbers

30 days have September, April, June and November, All the rest have 31, Except for February alone.
Which only has 28 days normally but 29 in each leap year

30 days have September, April, June and November, All the rest have 31, Except for February which has 28 days unless it's a leap yea when it has 29

30 days have September - all the rest I can't remember.

1 friend with a birthday on 29 February.  We were born in the same year but she's now only 13 and a half.

2 relatives with birthdays this month.

5 days of half term holiday - whoop whoop!

1 cookery demonstration

2 thousand and eleventy twelve - number of calories eaten sampling the food and drink at said cooking demonstration

5 and half - number of hours until my son flies down from Edinburgh for a long weekend

1 meal out to Pizza Express with 3 friends.  25% off voucher for the meal.  Does anyone ever pay full price in Pizza Express? They always seem to have offers on.  Not that I'm complaining, mind - just observing.

That's it for me, why not pop by Julie's blog and see how her month compared.  Her's involves victory rolls, deep sea sailing, chocolate cake and silver boots - how can you resist?

ps on the yellow tshirt front.  Isn't quite so big now, husband accidentally put it in with a pile of towels that wen't in for a very long, very hot wash.  Me and the tshirt are now both petite.


  1. You can make me throw back my head and laugh!

    ..and maybe we'll be able to meet up in Edinburgh some time? :)

  2. Accidentally? LOL Ooops - you've just reminded me of my cousin's non-birthday this month. Sounds like a super long weekend you've got coming up.

  3. That first line made me laugh as well!!! February flew by for me; I still haven't gotten the hang of month in numbers.

  4. Except for Febryray alone, which has 28 days clear, and 29 in each Leap Year

  5. Fantastic Deb - you really do have a way with words and I love your post today ... plus, you've reminded me that I must get my numbers done!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ooops! Sorry! Made a right pigs ear of my first attempt!! Anyhoo...What Kirsty said, except insert February for Febryray! ;D ...& LOL at the yellow T-shirt update!! :D

  8. Oh Debs, you do make me chuckle! Glad the t shirt is fitting well now! You must be so excited to see your son. My family are coming up this weekend and I can't wait!

  9. The start made me giggle. I proceeded to then recite the saying to prove to myself that I am smart.....only it turns out I am not..(thanks kirsty.a lol) appears I mangle the last line right up!! ha ha.

    Enjoy your weekend x

  10. I can never remember how many days any month has. I'm lucky to remember what day of the week it is, remembering how many days are in the month is asking too much

  11. Smiling as I type...

    My SIL's birthday is February 29th and the year she turns 60 will be her actual 16th birthday. She plans to throw a really big "sweet sixteen" party when the day comes. :o)

  12. Smiling here too! And someone has filled you in on the rest of the rhyme. Hope the time with your lovely son has been wonderful.
