Monday 15 April 2013

Simply a Moment - April

This post is prompted by Alexa where she asks us to blog about a small moment of time in our month.  You can find details on her blog here.
I prepared for our return before we even left the house.  This involves covering up anything that may be made dirty with blankets and covers.  The bed, in particular, has two layers on it, a green blanket at the top and a large blue fleece blanket to cover the whole bed.  Sure that I have covered every inch of the white bed linen, we can now go on our afternoon walkies.
We have done a quick circuit - what we call going 'round the block'.  Turn left at the end of our road, a brisk walk down to the underpass, cross over the road, along the side of Sainsburys supermarket, turn right along the cycle path, then right again to cut through the estate opposite ours and then home again.  It's just about a mile, plenty of grass and plenty of opportunities for a dog to do what a dog needs to do.
On our return, the bowl of tepid water that I left just inside the front door is waiting and four paws are gently washed one at a time "no, there is no point in trying to escape, you cannot go around with 3 clean paws and 1 grubby one".  Lead off, she skids across the kitchen floor, doing her version of the 'gravy bone dance'.  'Britain's Got Talent' clearly inspired her in this as she jumps and turns in circles at the same time, round and round again until I reach for the tin which houses her treats.  A firm 'sit' and a cute 'high five' and she is rewarded for walking nicely and behaving during her footbath.
I have things I want to do on the computer so I go upstairs to the study and she skips up the stairs behind me.  I can hear her padding around in the bedroom as I check bank balances, move money and pay bills.  Clicking on a blog is lethal; reading, commenting, clicking on links  - which lead to more links, a few pins on Pinterest - the minutes tick away as I become engrossed in the wonderful creative world in the blogworld.
It takes a while for me to realise that it has gone completely quiet in the room next to me.  She's obviously fallen asleep for her afternoon nap.  I get up quietly and creep around the door, even if she has jumped up onto the bed, at least I had prepared for all eventualities.  I expect I will find her curled up in a ball on top of the carefully placed covers.

Or maybe not ...


Rhona said...

I did laugh at this one Deb, sounds like the sort of thing our dog would do - given the chance!

Anonymous said...

Oh Deb, I had to laugh at the 3 clean paws 1 grubby paw comment. That just sounds so like our dog although with him he wanted only 2 clean ones at the most. What is it about dogs and beds? Looks like you'll have to tie that cover down. :)

Amy said...

I did not expect that last photo at all!
This moment, especially the paying bills and moving money part ...only to be distracted by blogging is just a little too familiar for my liking!

Cheri said...

too funny Deb. Looks like you'll need to tuck those blankets into place next time!

Maria Ontiveros said...

LOL! They are such scamps, aren't they? Your moment is wonderfully told.

Abi said...

Oh she makes me laugh! I try and keep our black cat off my white bed sheets but he always manages to sneak in! I totally get your description of being distracted by blogs. Revision is so hard when there is so much creativity on the internet!

alexa said...

I don't know how you ever manage to even gently chastise such a bundle of energy and innocence! I have smiled and chuckled at this lovely glimpse into parts of your world - thank-you so much for joining in again this month :).

Miriam said...

Every bit of this post is soooo familiar to me! except that my dog thinks she has three legs!! she lets me clean three no problem, then she scoots off. Lovely moment Deb.

This West London Life said...

Every time I tidy up our dog's bed, he comes alone behind me and messes it up. He is absolutely not allowed on any of the furniture! (Are you listening, TBO?)
How sweet that you leave a bowl of tepid water waiting for your return!

Anonymous said...

Your phrasing and pace here is perfect. I especially liked "plenty of opportunities for a dog to do what a dog needs to do."

The photo of her on the bed is precious--at least she's more or less the same color as your bedspread. You might have to sleep with your protective covers so they smell enough like you that she's satisfied to be on top of them instead of burrowing to get under them.

♥ Liz ♥ said...

This made me laugh. No matter how hard you try to keep things "Pet free" they always managed to make it their own :0)

Unknown said...

super funny!!
I also pass my time on the computer... pinterest is a vice!!!

Missus Wookie said...

The idea of three clean paws made me smile - our dog always hated that and our cats now definitely feel that the middle of the sofa is the best place to clean themselves thoroughly - then walk off to another bit to sleep!

Alison said...

Just as well she had had those paws washed, Deb...she obviously prefers the. Fell of 'the good stuff'!
Alison xx

Becky said...

Loved this story! Did not expect that ending at all! Great photo at the end :) Thanks for sharing.

Jen said...

I am so late to the party this month - so sorry! I have really enjoyed reading your moment - you made me laugh out loud and I really love your photo!! Thanks for sharing. J xx