
Monday, 27 May 2013

Let's sit and have a cup of tea

Well hello!  Have you come here after visiting Abi?  She had a great idea to have a cuppa and a catch up once a month so here I am with news of what the last month has brought.  Well it's such a glorious day, shall we take our drinks out into the garden?  I made some buttermilk scones yesterday, can I tempt you?  With or without strawberry jam?
OK so now we are settled I would tell you how this week has finally seen the end of a very hard chapter in my daughter's life.  You see this phrase has been excruciatingly true for her

You see, she thought she had found her prince, and for the first year all was well. He looked like a prince, he spoke like a prince and he acted like a prince.  However, it was just a disguise, and last year he turned back to a tadpole. My princess nursed her broken heart and moved back home with puppy in tow and she set about removing all evidence of that slimy frog.  Which involved selling the house they had bought together.  It's been a long time coming, but the sale finally completed last Monday and I hope that this next chapter in her life story will be more plain sailing and happy. 
I would be bursting to tell you the good news about my friend who has self published her book on Kindle but until the press release comes out, my lips have to be sealed.  All I'm saying is, download it off Kindle while you still can get it at a bargain price. 
I would tell you about the dog training classes me and Coco have been going to.  How it is like stepping over the threshold into an alternative world when we pass through the door.  Coco takes on an angelic quality and I swear I see a twinkle in her eye as she does whatever she is told.
I would be asking you if you've ever made a quilt, as I have just bought some fabric.  I haven't machine made anything patchwork before, although for my A level needlework I did make a hand sewn hexagonal patchwork shell for a large turtle shaped cushion.  I'm making it for the garden bench which is just outside the shed/summer house that my husband has just built.  I think it will be perfect to have something to sit on rather than wooden slats, and can't wait for the fabric to arrive so I can get started.
And then all too soon, you would say that you had to move on and have a cuppa with someone else that is joining in today.  Coco would rouse herself from her slumber in the sunshine to say goodbye and we would look forward to seeing you again very soon.


  1. That must be so tough for your daughter. As you say though maybe the sale of the house will provide good closure for her. I would be so excited about your quilt making- I'm sure it will look wonderful! Thanks for joining in with me Debs!

  2. Oh I wish your daughter well - that's a tough situation to be handle. We are looking into obedience lessons for our little Duke, hopefully we can unspoil him a little and transform him in some ways. Now I'm off for more "tea". Bless you.

  3. I'd talk about it being my daughter's 16th and that I know there will be difficult times ahead. It doesn't get easier. Hope this is the start of a new chapter for yours.
    Talking about chapters, I have just finished Fractured. Couldn't put it down and had a tear in my eye at the end.
    Enjoy your holiday xx

  4. I LOVED your friend's book which I downloaded on your recommendation. Can't wait to see what else she writes. And yes, I was a quilter before I discovered scrapbooking. I have to say, much more immediate gratification from scrapping - quilting anything significant takes so much time!

  5. I'd 'enjoy' sitting chatting to you about daughters and their broken hearts!!
    I agree with Cheri about the quilting....but it's so gratifying to think 'I made that' when you've finished.

  6. Very excited to hear about your friend..can't wait to find out what the news is!

    ..and a big pat on the back for that daughter of yours. It's been a tough road..

  7. So glad to hear that that chapter has come to an end paraphrase another fairytale 'someday her Prince WILL come'....enjoy your quilting!
    Alison xx

  8. Hoping for happy endings for your daughter and your friend! Intrigued to hear about the press release. Well done on that clever little oh of yours, who clearly knows how to behave when it sitters :). Very much enjoyed my cuppa with you.

  9. I'd need a lesson on how to make scones as I struggle dreadfully with them ... dough's too sticky usually and they turn out flat.
    So pleased that chapter has now closed for your daughter - we can all do without tadpoles like that!

  10. I can still vividly recall how a broken heart feels many decades later but the right one will come and she will know that the pain was worth it. So proud of Coco maybe she will soon carry the behaviors home ;)

  11. Am off to download the book you recommended and did start a quilt about 25 years ago but never got it finished as it was taking too long.

  12. I hope for better times for your daughter. I have loved hearing all about your new quilting project, I have only done a few very small things but when I see the beautiful fabrics I want to start one... Thank you for the tea.

  13. I wish your daughter well and will go off now and check out your friends book.
