
Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Simply a {hot} moment in July

Written in conjunction with a series of monthly posts organised by Alexa.

The sun is streaming in through the window and although it is barely 10am, the temperature is already almost 30 degrees.  The window is open but there is no breeze coming in, just a shaft of sunlight across the whole right side of my desk.  The school building is over 100 years old and not built for extremes of temperature, we freeze in the winter and bake in the summer. 
I look at the Publisher file on my computer.  It's time for the last school newsletter of the academic year.  Due out on Friday.  Deadline for articles to be sent to me for inclusion was last Thursday, yet when I opened my emails first thing this morning I was greeted by at least another ten items that need to go in.  I sigh.  I've sighed a lot this morning!
The drama faculty are doing their final rehearsals in the hall for the school production of 'Cabaret' which starts tomorrow evening.  Full dress rehearsal - and every now and again you catch a glimpse of a cast member running through reception in full makeup and costume.  They are practising 'Willkomen' again and again and I find myself subconsciously singing along in my head 'Willkomen, bienvenue, welcome ...'
A group of new teachers who will be joining us in September are brought round to be introduced to the secretarial staff.  They look so young - or am I just getting old?!  They look fresh and eager and ready to start their new career with us.  I fear that next to them we look slightly old and jaded!  They leave to go to the Finance office and I turn back to my newsletter.  And as I do so, another email pings into my inbox 'I'm really sorry Debbie, I know it's late but this really needs to go in the next newsletter, can you fit it in?'  Sigh. 


  1. Oh yes, nothing like a fresh round of employees to make you feel just a little bit jaded. They'll get there soon enough on their own, don't you know!

    Lovely moment in time, Deb. And I can totally relate to feeling warm... ;o)

  2. Things being sent in late? Who would have thought it.... Hope you've been able to finish it and cool off a bit.

  3. My sympathies about the must be looking forward to the holidays now!
    Alison xx

  4. I remember when deadlines were deadlines. You met them or there were consequences. Nobody seems to respect the deadline anymore. And then it falls to you to scramble at the last minute. I know and feel your pain. At least once that newsletter goes to press you are done for awhile!

  5. What a moment rich in so many different things! You took me right back to my own days at school ... And how many things you are expected to attend to within such a brief space of time! Hoping the newsletter has now definitively gone and Wilkommen is now longer echoing round your psyche! It has been a pleasure to pop in and I feel as if I should be creeping out with a whispered "Sorry to disturb you!". Thank-you so much for linking up again :).

  6. Aren't school buildings notoriously uncomfortable? We have several graduates who started at our school this year and honestly, they look like they are 15! Some of them were talking about a club they went to one lunchtime and the hour they got home and subsequently slept til .... another teacher and I sighed big time outrselves!

  7. I can relate to your hot in summer and cold in winter office. We keep our coats on until about 10 in the winter and in the summer the first thing I do when I get in is open all the doors and windows in anticipation of how hot it is going to get.

  8. I feel like this month's moments have taken me to quite a few workplaces around the world.
    I enjoyed stopping by your school.

  9. Schools are never changing - even new modern ones! I remember the feeling of ever changing deadlines and squishing stuff in at the last minute!
    I was right there in that office with you - thanks for glimpse and reminder. J x

  10. What a great look into your working day. New members of staff always made me feel so old and tired. Hope by now you have finished your day and can relax with a glass of something chilled and one last sigh but this one with pleasure....

  11. This is a great post Deb, and I think every school must be the same about leaving things til the last minute! I was working in a school until the summer holidays and our poor secretary was rushed off her feet trying to get everything done in time during the last few days! xx

  12. It sounds a lovely school where you work, lots of interesting things going on. And now you are on holiday! No more sighing!! LOL

  13. Ahhhh it would drive me nuts hearing the Caberat practice, I am not one for musicals. If I miss a deadline I don't have the nerve to ask someone to slip it in for me. The staff at my schools keep looking younger and younger possibly I am getting older ;)

  14. Having worked in a stool office I can totally understand this post! Thanks for sharing your moment :-)
