Thursday 15 August 2013

Simply a Moment in August

On the 15th of the month, Alexa suggests that we take a pause and capture Simply a Moment.  My moment this month was captured last week - I hope that's allowed!

I have come to the end of the book I am reading on my Kindle and I turn it off, remove my glasses and close my eyes contemplating the final twist in the plot.  Even though I am laying beneath a parasol, I can feel the rays of the sun filtering through the canvas and warming my skin.  There is a gentle breeze blowing and the temperature is just perfect.  

The waves are lapping on the rocks below the balcony on which I am relaxing.  The rigging on the sails of the boat which is moored close to the shoreline is rhythmically swinging from side to side as the boat moves with the tide and I can hear the sound of rope on metal.  

I open my eyes.  A bright yellow pedalo passes by, being pedalled by a group of young children.  Some are sitting on the seats and some sitting with their legs hanging over the edge but one young girl is standing at the top of the ladder, about to go down the slide into the water.  Over and over, she is singing 'We all live on a yellow submarine' with a Spanish accent.  It makes me smile, she is far too young to know that song, what has prompted her to sing that?

I see, before I hear, the ferry from Ibiza Town coming into the bay.  Ploughing through the sea with the people on deck at the back being gently splashed by the waves as it approaches the jetty.  A blow of a horn; the metallic sound of a gangplank being lowered onto the wood of the small pier and the gentle throb of the engine as it slows to a stop.  The captain bellows 'Cala Llonga!  Cala Llonga!' so that those who have booked tickets to the next resort along know that this is not their destination.  The people waiting to board are carrying lilos, sun umbrellas and towels.  They will be joining the boat for the next part of its journey to Santa Eulalia. 

Ibiza - a perfectly relaxing place to share a moment in the sun.


Amy said...

Oh yes please! What I wouldn't do for a little sun and warmth right now .... love it Deb!

Cheri said...

Your description is so warm and complete - makes me want to be there with you!

scrappyjacky said...

Sounds wonderful,Deb.

Ifa said...

Perfect! Here I am trying to imagine Yellow Submarine in a Spanish accent.

Abi said...

Perfect moment Deb. I am a tiny bit jealous after your beautiful description!

Alison said...

Sounds like you've had a great holiday, Deb!
Alison xx

Denise said...

It certainly is a lovely place and time to remember a moment :-) x

Sinead said...

This sound like heaven! I can almost feel the sun and hear the waves...perfect. I've never been to Ibiza but have visited neighbouring Majorca a few times. Hope you had a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh Deb for a moment I was there with you. Lovely descriptive post x

Sian said...

So relaxing I can feel my shoulders drop as I read!

Julie Kirk said...

If I'd had a moment like that last week I'd be holding on to it this week too. Glorious!

This West London Life said...

A moment well worth remembering!

alexa said...

Most beautifully brought to life. Oh, I could have atayed there longer than a moment - I've re-read it three times! Full of atmosphere and character ... Glad you had such a lovely rest and hope the novel ended just how you wanted. Thank-you so much for joining in again this month and adding warmth and colour to our moments :).

Unknown said...

beach, beach, beach!!!! I really miss you!!!

Jen said...

Oh that was such a beautiful moment - you took me right back to weekends on my father-in-laws yacht with your description of the rigging. Thank you . J x

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Ahhhh...that was awesome, Deb. I would love to be right there, and out of this Arizona heat (it's been a really hot week here). Lovely moment this month!

Susanne said...

Thanks for sharing that. I wanted to know at the start what book you had finished, but soon enough you had me thinking about the sun and warm water. Nice description!

Sandie said...

I've never been so thank you for that glimpse of Ibiza. Hope you are enjoying your holiday.

Missus Wookie said...

That was a gloriously peaceful and fascinating moment - a bit of sunshine and holiday shared. Thank you!

Heather said...

Aww beautiful description makes me really want to go back to Ibiza xx

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a fantastic moment; I like the parallel to my moment today (though yours has a happier ending).

Becky said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderfully relaxing moment :)