Wednesday 27 November 2013

Let's sit and have a cup of ...

Come in, come in.  Let me take your coat, gloves, hat, scarf ... Let's have a nice hot drink to warm you up.  I've got the gluwein mugs out that we got in Cologne a few years ago when we went to visit the Christmas markets, what shall we have in them? Traditional mulled wine or a cup of tea or coffee - you choose!

I'll be asking you if you've started your Christmas shopping yet, and telling you how I have begun to gather a few bits together.  I printed off address labels for my cards last night and plan to write a few each evening rather than trying to write 40 in one sitting!  That makes it more of a chore than a pleasure.  It may also mean that my handwriting is not illegible by the time I get to the XYZ in the address book!
If you noticed the 'Congratulations' card on the side, I'd tell you how my daughter has just got herself a new job.  Starting in the new year; she's very excited.  She's not the only one changing jobs though,  my son has just started a new job up in Edinburgh.  Seems that it is the norm to not stay in the same job for years on end nowadays.
I'm sure we will start to chat about a theme that has been cropping up a lot in blog posts over the last week or so.  The ups and downs of blogging and crafting.  The feeling of obligation taking over from keeping up with everyone else.  I love reading blogs and I love seeing what people are doing/making/seeing.  Sometimes I check blogs quietly on my phone in my lunch hour - make a mental note to leave a comment when I get home and have more time, and then that thought disappears like a plume of smoke.   So please don't think badly of me if you don't see a comment.  If you're in my favourites then I've definitely visited!  As for what we are all crafting, I guess it's like all things, times change, fashions change, something new comes along.  I remember chatting to my friend in Florida about scrapbooking when I was a newly converted scrapbooker. 'That used to be popular round here' she said,' but not so much now.'  At the time I was amazed, how could something so popular fade away?  But now, for me, I see it.  I still love seeing what other people have done but for me, with half an hour to spare I'm more likely to set the sewing machine up than pull out a box of papers. I knew that Project Life would never be for me because after the initial super keen, filling each pocket of the page weeks, there would be a time when I was scratching around trying to desperately find something to put in for that week.  Trouble is that my life has weeks where we don't really go anywhere amazing or do anything terrific or indeed take many photos and whilst some people are brilliant at making a page out of the ordinary, I know that I am not and that would stall me completely. 
I just know that I love the blogging community, I love my blog friends and would hate it if those people whose lives have crossed mine via blogs just stopped blogging.  So don't stop - OK?!  We all seem to have found each other via Shimelle classes - maybe we all need to find something new to kickstart us into a renewed va-va-voom for blogging! 
So much to discuss but I know that Abi is waiting for you - after all it is she who introduced this meme so I feel guilty about keeping you so long.  Come back soon - no doubt there'll be Christmas Cake to finish up!


helena said...

thanks for the tea Deb. I know what you mean about meaning to comment later - I don't like typing on my tablet but am more and more reading blogs there. perhaps what we need is for blogger to add an easy button to indicate 'hello I visited'.

debs14 said...

What a brilliant idea! A bit like the 'like' button on Facebook!

Sian said...

I've brought mince pies ..TSO and I made our first batch yesterday!

I understand where you are coming from on this.But I think if we were chatting over coffee I think I'd be telling you how much I love my blog friends saying hello, even if it's just a simple "hello, how are you today" and that I miss them when they aren't around. A button sounds like a good plan!

scrappyjacky said...

I know what you mean about never getting round to coming back to leave a comment....maybe Sian has an idea....a simple 'hello'.

Abi said...

Thank you for joining me for tea! I so agree with your comments and the button! Let's petition blogger! I don't want the blogging community to stop either, you guys are so great.

This West London Life said...

I'd like a lovely cup of tea in one of those German mugs, please. (You know, the four and a bit years I lived in Germany were the best years of my life.)
It seems that I'm in agreement with you and our fellow commentators over blogging and blog content.
And as for scrapbooking, it's still the one for me!

Sinead said...

Thank you so much for inviting me for tea - I'd love some mulled wine actually, get us into the Christmas spirit!! I agree with a lot of what you've said about blogging and what others have been chatting about recently. I think that button sounds like a great idea to let friends and bloggers know we've dropped by, even though we might not always have the chance to say hello xx

Beverly said...

I love that I can catch up on my phone but I hate commenting with it and as you say the good intentions of doing it later just slip away. I am making more of an effort to read from my computer. Like you, I know PL would become a burden and neglected project for me. I do hope to get a bit of actual scrapbooking done over the winter.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tea Deb. I like what Helena said - I find it hard commenting when I'm reading on my iPad and have to wait till I'm on the laptop, a button would be a great idea now if only we could convince both blogger and typepad.