
Monday 17 August 2015

Me on Monday - the Christmas in August edition

Giving a sunshiny wave to Sian and sharing this week's Me on Monday post. 
This is the Monday that I realised I am now closer to the end of the school holidays than I am the beginning.  That's a bit of a miserable thought but the mail today included this month's edition of my quilting magazine which was an excellent excuse to put the kettle on, make a cup of coffee and relax for a while in the garden.  
Ah, the summer holidays - sunny days, reading in the sunshine, picking beans from the garden
Sunbathing on the grass
... and being able to buy Christmas cards and gift bags down the town

What?!  That's crazy.  I went into town to buy wrapping paper for my daughter's birthday presents and while browsing discovered that the first aisle was being set up with Christmas goods.  Needless to say that the poor woman stocking the shelves was being interrupted every couple of minutes by people commenting on the fact that it was not Christmas for another four months.  She was remarkably patient, I'm not sure that my Christmas cheer would have lasted so long!
Sian's clocked up a few miles this weekend in her travels - mine was spent much closer to home with general chores and cooking on Saturday ready for an Italian inspired meal for friends on Sunday.  Oh how lovely it was to have everything prepared in advance - much more relaxing.  The weather even cooperated and we were able to have prosecco and antipasti in the garden before the main course.  There's also a dog in the house whose paws keep turning a strange earthy colour and is spending a suspicious amount of time sneaking around in the flower beds.  Careful investigation this morning has revealed an impressively sized hole behind one of the shrubs.  I wonder where she's planning to tunnel to?  I love the fact she thinks she's invisible.  She saunters out the door, runs up to the end of the garden where she thinks we can't see her and then every now and again you see a little white head poking through the shrubbery to make sure she hasn't been followed then it's head down, keep calm and keep digging. 


  1. you both look so relaxed - love the idea she is secret about her hole digging

  2. A morning wave to you. I was in the stores yesterday and the start of all the Halloween items were being put out! TOOO early but Christmas stuff already! Oh no that is almost criminal. There are still lots of summer days left - I hope you enjoy yours.

  3. Doesn't the summer just fly by. Our daughter heads back to college next week - and I am bumming about it. It all happens so quickly. That looks like a cozy spot you have there. Enjoy!

  4. I'm definitely not ready for Christmas yet. I love it, but I love it because it's once a year, not all year round. Poor woman stocking the shelves!

    Have a great week. Watch out for that tunneller..

  5. I had to laugh at the digging ... Well it's good to know I'm not alone lol

    I must say, my countdown to Christmas has been looked at a fair few times :)

  6. oh no Christmas stuff already - it seems to get earlier every year. I hadn't thought that about the holidays...but you are so right, they will all be back to school soon :(
