Monday 16 November 2015

Me on a mid November Monday

It's Monday and we all know what that means - time to give a wave to Sian and the rest of the Me on Mondayers.

It was a weekend that was full of shocking news. Where views of Paris were on every news report and the world mourned so many lives lost.
We had a very busy weekend, full of food and drink, friends and family.  Our weekend started on Friday night with a meal out with friends. It was ironic that as we sat and enjoyed a meal in a restaurant which specialises in French food, horrific things were happening in Paris.  I couldn't believe what I read when I saw the news the next day. 
Saturday was a very 'social' day - we were invited over to our neighbours for a cup of tea in the afternoon.  I had met and got on well with the wife of the couple who live diagonally across from us but the husbands hadn't met properly so it was really nice to go over and see them as a couple.  She is a very talented lady and a brilliant quilter so needless to say we had lots to chat about and I learned a lot in just a couple of hours.  Then onto friends for an Indian takeaway - two late nights on the row!
Our daughter had invited us over for Sunday lunch and our son and his girlfriend came up too so that was lovely, not only to have someone else cooking Sunday lunch but to have everyone together again.  I don't think we've ever had a long weekend with so much eating and drinking - but it was really lovely.
How fortunate then that I have an unexpected (but very welcome) Monday off work.  (I'm really not busy at the moment but in a couple of weeks time it's going to be crazy so it makes sense for me to 'bank' a few hours and then make the time up when there is more to do) Of course I'm using it wisely - there's a quilt to be finished and after learning so many hints and tips at the weekend, I'm itching to get it done:

Be prepared though for a future Me on Monday post which sees me moaning about having to work a whole day on a Monday as payback for not working this morning!
How's your Monday looking?  Hope it's a good one wherever you are and however you're spending it.


helena said...

sounds a lovely weekend and great to find a fellow quilter close by - have a great week

Sian said...

A neighbour who quilts! That's wonderful. before you know it, you'll have your own little group going. Your stitching looks beautiful

A weekend with lots of good friends and food really sets you up for the week doesn't it? Have a good one!

This West London Life said...

What a gloriously social weekend ... lucky you!

Louise H said...

That quilt looks lovely - and a new friend to share the fun with. What a busy social weekend too - I'm not sure I would have coped with it x

Patio Postcards said...

How lovely to spent time with loved ones & especially if they are doing the cooking & washing up afterwards - score on that one! Look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

How wonderful to have a quilting friend right on your door step and to have Sunday lunch cooked for you. Have a great week Deb.

scrappyjacky said...

Sounds like a lovely food and friends weekend.

Cheri said...

Sounds like a really lovely weekend!

Sandra said...

Having good neighbours is a blessing but to have one that you have so much in common with is perfect

alexa said...

How nice to have so many lovely things at the weekend! Hoping you have enjoyed that Monday off - and that there will be some quilting pics :).

Sandie said...

Lucky you having a neighbour who loves the same things! It sounds like you had a great weekend, friends, family and food, just perfect!