Wednesday, 2 May 2018

A sentence a day for April

Joining in again with Leslie to document my month in just one sentence a day (not always as easy as you may think 🤔) I know I'm a little early for the official link up, but it's my day for having our grandson and he's just fallen asleep for his afternoon nap so I'm taking advantage of a little time to myself.

Day 1: Easter Sunday which also happened to be April Fool's Day which summed up quite nicely what a fool I was to think that I could stick to Slimming World healthy eating when presented with a couple of large Easter eggs.  {I figure that I'm going to eat the chocolate anyway so does it matter if I eat in in a few large quantities or a little bit every day for a week?}

Day 2: Step away from the chocolate - ignore the chocolate - you do not need to eat the chocolate - if only I could listen to those voices and not the one that says 'Go on, you know you want to ...'

Day 3: Babysitting Leo day - he is obsessed with writing and drawing and sadly I don't have any drawing talent - there is little difference between my dogs, horses or dinosaurs!

Day 4: I've been moaning about being bored with my hairstyle for ages so I took the plunge today and had lots of layers cut into it and about 4" cut off the sides 

Day 5: Met up with a couple of old schoolfriends for dinner this evening - we've been friends for about 48 years and still meet up regularly and never run out of things to talk about!

Day 6: Our son stayed over last night as he wanted to use the Mum and Dad taxi service for an early morning check in at Stansted airport for his weekend in Copenhagen - we do have our uses.

Day 7: After a morning of mundane weekly shopping routine, my husband finally got to try out his new toy - a patio power cleaner - I had forgotten how many subtle colours there were in the patio stones underneath a winter's worth of grime. While he's busy out there I must put a bottle of wine in the fridge for later, he'll have earnt his relaxation time tonight!

Day 8: When it was my birthday, my workmates gave me a voucher for the nicest restaurant that we have in town so we took advantage of someone else cooking dinner for us and it was absolutely delicious!

Day 9: Starting to think about the clothes I need to pack for our weekend away at the end of the week but a mixed weather forecast is giving me clothing dilemmas, if only we weren't travelling hand luggage only.

Day 10: Treated myself to a manicure - at least I'll have nice nails even if I don't have the right clothes for the weather in northern Italy!

Day 11: Paul volunteers one day each month over at the local country park so today I had Leo all by myself, that boy has got far more energy than me - but then again he is a whole let younger.

Day 12: Suitcase open and clothes packed; I realised my holiday wardrobe needs updating, maybe a little shopping in Italy will be needed (well if the weather report says rain from time to time, where better to shelter than in a shop?).

Day 13: Alarm on early for the taxi ride to Stansted, breakfast in the UK, lunch in Italy.

Day 14: According to my phone, I clocked up 27,000 steps today!

Day 15: Sightseeing, food, drink, more walking, more food, more drink etc etc

Day 16: Our last day in Bologna, time to make the most of that Italian sunshine and fill up on their amazing gelato.

Day 17: Back to work - so painful after a lovely long weekend away.

Day 18: Sun is shining, Leo is here for the day full of mischief.

Day 19: Today they have drafted the advert for my job - I wonder how many people will apply for it - part time jobs in schools are always in demand.

Day 20: Friday night meal out at our favourite Turkish restaurant with a couple we have been friends with for about 40 years - great food and great company.

Day 21: Charity quiz evening in support of Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) - we came a respectable 5th.

Day 22: Watching the London Marathon as my line manager is taking part and we have lived through her training schedule ever since she found she had a place - she finished in just under 4h 30m, and on the hottest London marathon on record.

Day 23: Went into town on the hunt for some comfortable summer sandals, returned home empty handed and disappointed.

Day 24: In one month's time this will be my penultimate day in the office - forever!

Day 25: Took Leo into work for show him off to my workmates, he had a lovely time especially when Lucy let him play with all the buttons on the photocopier.

Day 26: Ashamed to say I didn't go to my Fitsteps class tonight as when I got home from work I had a strange pain in my knee and didn't want to injure myself, however it may have been my imagination as when the evening progressed, the pain disappeared - oops!

Day 27: Busy day at work trying to get as much work as I can done before I leave - currently working on jobs I normally don't do until June.

Day 28: All the family will be here for lunch tomorrow so a busy day preparing as much food as I can in advance - I want to be able to enjoy their company and not be the one stuck in the kitchen while everyone else is in the lounge catching up on people's news.

Day 29: I love having all the family around the table for Sunday lunch, of course the littlest one is the centre of attention and oh how he loves an audience!

Day 30: Took Leo to his 'Tiny Tempo' class where we danced and sang and played musical instruments, I'd forgotten how noisy a hall full of toddlers can be.

And that was April!  


This West London Life said...

I do like these posts of yours - day two made me laugh in particular!

Maggie said...

A busy month and a lot of changes ahead. Must be lovely having that time with your grandson each week.

Barbara Eads said...

I love this idea, but find it a little daunting. I tend to always have too much to say! Love your thoughts on chocolate. Also one the new "do!"

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

What a fun getaway!!
I love your haircut and I wish I'd been shoe shopping with you---I always have success at DSW!!

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Hand luggage is a nightmare for me, somehow I never have the right (or enough) stuff. Enjoyed reading about your month.

Natalie said...

I enjoyed reading your April SaD. Long lasting friendships, the short trip to Italy, and oh the count down to leaving work are all wonderful. Have a fabulous May!

Patio Postcards said...

Another month in 1 sentence. You really have this style down to a fine art. WOW only a month until retirement - what a celebration is to be had. Your hair looks great. said...

Okay, I have to ask...did you shop in Italy? I see mention of eating, drinking, walking but nothing about shopping. Hope you were able to score some pretty things without spending a fortune. Italy and now Ireland are at the top of my European places to visit. And considering we are of 93% British Isles ancestry according to our DNA, I need to add Great Britain, too. Oh, if only money grew on trees.

Love your new 'do. Very flattering. I really like my hair shorter than it is currently but no one else in my life does. A shame I can't get them to see things my way. My hair is so limp these days, with some rather exotic cowlicks.