
Friday, 26 June 2020

Not a sight for sore eyes

Well this week had an unexpected twist to it - in the interests of protecting those who may be squeamish I will not share a photo of how my left eye looked when I woke on Monday morning!  Oh boy, it was sore and it was bloodshot - VERY bloodshot.  Trying to convince myself it was probably conjunctivitis starting (clutching at straws here) I bathed it during the day and hoped it would look better on Tuesday.  Well, it didn't, it looked worse.  I queued for the chemist and asked the pharmacist to look at it.  He said he didn't think it was an infection and I should make an urgent appointment at the opticians.  I wasn't sure I liked the sound of the word 'urgent'.  Came home and rang my opticians who has not yet reopened since lockdown.  So I tried another opticians in town who has a good reputation and they said they could see me on Thursday.  

This was my first experience of visiting any medical establishment since lockdown started and I went armed with face mask, waited outside to be called in, sanitised my hands before I went into the examining room, the optician was in PPE and although I wasn't that keen on getting so close to a stranger, I felt reassured that we were both being as safe as we could.  I was even more reassured when he told me it was a burst blood vessel and there was no damage around the back of the eye, nor inside the eye.  I just have to wait for it to heal.

Phew!  I don't look pretty, but this morning I can see some improvement.

We've had a few social meetings this week, a sit down in the park with a friend and her daughter and grandchildren in Saffron Walden on Tuesday (naturally I had to swing by my son's house and pick up Max to show him off too!), Duck feeding with Leo, Rosie and Max on Wednesday, and last night we went to a friend's garden for drinks and a paella - oh how lovely to get back to doing normal things!

We always say it isn't officially summer until we've had the annual paella night so we can now tick that one off.

Later this afternoon I'm due to have a cup of tea with a couple of friends but the weather report is showing thunderstorms from 2pm onwards so although it is stifling hot at the moment, I'm wondering if we will actually get to do it - won't it be lovely when we are allowed in people's houses again and we aren't dependant on the unpredictable British weather?

Hoping everyone is keeping well and enjoying the sunshine!


  1. Glad to hear that your eye will heal itself - that must have been a relief for you.

    Won't it be wonderful when we're allowed inside to meet family and friends! Coming soon ... hopefully!

  2. Hope your eye is much better now and that you enjoyed your time with fiends :)

  3. Phew - so glad there wasn't any further medical intervention required for your eye. It does sound like visiting with friends again is almost normal. Connections feed not only our bodies with paella but our spirits too.

  4. Oh, Deb, how scary! Do they know what caused the problems with your eye? So gald it should heal. As children, my sister and I were always sick with strep throat, sinus infections and conjunctivitis. We had to have this very thick salve or ointment put into our eyes and I remember my poor mom having to chase us around the house to get us to cooperate.

    How wonderful that your life is beginning to return to normal. Doesn't it feel like we are being reborn? Except I got in trouble with my daughter today for having gone out to eat and then coming over to help with her babies. It has been a big struggle.

    Hope by now your eye is back to 100%. Take care, my friend.
