Monday 10 May 2021

10 things on the 10th

 This month's prompt from Leslie is 10 things you hate (or really dislike) to do.  I thought this might be interesting because one person's dislike is another person's happy place!  Let me share the 10 things that I really don't like doing ...

  1. Going in a lift.  This is not just a dislike, it's an all out proper phobia.  This is why I need to keep relatively fit, I need to be able to be able to climb a few flights of stairs.  Let's move onto number two before the thought of going in a lift gives me a panic attack!
  2. Ironing.  There, this one won't give me heart palpitations but I really don't like doing it.  Then the pile of ironing gets taller, the task seems greater and we're on a downward track.  
  3. The thought of eating oysters.  I know they are a delicacy.  I know that they have a certain reputation 😉 but the thought of that raw, slippery fish having to be swallowed whole ... ugh!
  4. Touching feet.  I can cope with babies feet, and little children's feet, I don't even mind my own too much but there is no way on this earth that I could ever be a chiropodist, touching feet all day.  So if you are looking for a foot massage, I am not the person to call. 👣
  5. Going to the dentist.  I had a horrible dentist when I was younger. Rude, abrupt and unsympathetic - all the things my current dentist isn't.  But I still get that horrible stomach churning feeling when I'm in the waiting room, and I am always skipping speedily down the corridor on my way out if I haven't had to have anything done. 
  6. Bats.  You're sitting out in the garden in the early evening in summer when out of the corner of your eye you notice a fluttering in the trees.  It's way past the birds' bedtime, it can only be bats flying around.  🦇 Oh how they give me the heebie jeebies.  Just thinking about them sends shivers down my spine. Can we move onto number seven please?   
  7. Being cold.  I really don't like feeling cold.  This may be why taking up crocheting blankets is the ideal hobby for me.  Once you get past a certain point, it keeps you warm while you are making it and you end up with something warm and comforting when it's finished.
  8. Being out of my depth in water.  I'm not a good swimmer and didn't learn to swim until I was an adult so I like to know that if I want to stop and put my feet down, I will feel the reassurance of a pool tile, or a sandy beach beneath me.  I had adult improver lessons about 30 years ago and the instructor was bemused by the fact that I could swim for ages if I thought the floor was within touching distance, but the minute I ventured down the deep end of the pool, I got in a panic until I reached the other side!
  9. Being stuck in traffic on a motorway.  We once spent more time getting home from a local airport than it had taken us to fly home from Barcelona to London.  I absolutely hate traffic jams.  I think it's because you feel so hemmed in with no escape because on a lot of British motorways the junctions where you can get on and off are few and far between. Then of course we have the issue of being in a queue and needing a 'comfort break' ... 
  10. Being bored.  I'm the kind of person who needs to be doing something.  I get restless if I don't have something to do.  So it's lucky that I enjoy crafting and cooking.  Not to mention reading, you can never be bored if you have a book to read can you?
That's it.  There are my ten things.  Do you have ten things you don't like to do?  Let me know if any of your ten match one of mine!


Patio Postcards said...

That was a fun list. I'm with you on #6 Bats. It is one of the main reasons I don't like to sit out in the evening. I know your side of the pond it isn't a worry, but this side of the pond bats are one of the biggest carriers of rabies - hence my heebie jeebies! Your feet comment did give me a chuckle & yes, touching feet all day, no thank you.

Joanne said...

I am right there with you on elevators! I got stuck in one when I was in France and have been leery of them ever since... I still use them but I feel like I hold my breath until we arrive and the doors open. Bats creep me right out!

This West London Life said...

I'm with you on oysters and out of depth water ... but I love ironing! :)

Kirstin said...

Oh....I can add several from your list to mine. Ironing, oysers, dentist, bats (a few years ago, we had 3 in our house...yikes), water...same here...

alexa said...

So interesting reading your list! I could sign up to 3, 5 7 and 9 so you're not alone by any means. I hate being stuck in a place where I can't escape from very loud music - especially if it has a heavy thumpy-thumpy bass to it ...

Jennifer said...

Oh my - being cold and touching feet! You just reminded me of two I need to put at the top of my list. I did mention winter...but that's because I'm always cold in winter (no matter how well I dress!) Cold in the summer ac is just as bad. And don't get me started on feet.....

Hope you are having a great week, Deb!! said...

With every post or conversation, I find that we have more things in common. I don't really like ironing but I do it. And so do you. So many won't even do it any more. But there is something about a crisply ironed blouse or shirt.

I can relate to the feet thing. In fact, a friend reached out to touch my feet that other day, we were comparing bunions!! I was horrified that she would be comfortable touching my feet!! Like you, I can do baby and toddler feet, and Paul's feet without too much difficulty. And that's about it.

The way you feel about bats, I have felt about birds. But I am coming around to them, thanks to Covid. We had the cutest bright green birds last year - spring, summer and into fall. They were a joy during a dark time. So I am reconsidering my stand on birds. Don't like the idea of bats getting too close.

Thank you for joining me for this!!

Lovely said...

I'm with you on visiting dentist and being stuck in a traffic jam. Have a great day!

Barbara Eads said...

I can relate to many things on your list. But, lets start at the top: 1. I don't mind elevators! 2. I simply do not iron. I've joked that if I wait long enough, the things in the laundry basket go out of style so I can simply get rid of them! 3. I like oysters, but not raw. 4. Feet don't bother me at all! I've been known to give foot massages to friends! Just as long as their feet are clean! 5. I don't mind the dentist. Been doing it every 6 months since I was a little kid. Back then, we got ice cream after! 6. I really haven't noticed any bats around here, but I wish we had more. They eat something like 1000 mosquitoes an hour! Now, it's mosquitoes I hate! 7. Ditto on being cold. 8. I'm happy in the water---just not ocean water--can't stand the taste--and it always gets in your mouth no matter what! 9. Being stuck in traffic is never fun, but I can usually just roll with it. 10. I am NEVER bored. Seems like I never have enough time for everything I want to accomplish! Sorry to be so long, but I just couldn't pick one or two to comment on this time! Your post seemed more like a little challenge!

Susanne said...

Because I also am not a good swimmer, I am with you on the deep water and you can add bridges to that as well. Even when crossing one in a car on a major highway, I get a funny little feeling in my tummy. Elevators don't bother me, as I am usually preoccupied with determining which company made it, and whether it is one that my brother-in-law has worked for.

Anonymous said...
