
Friday 16 July 2021

A new addition

 We have a new member of the family

A friend of ours who has a dreadful phobia of frogs found this little chap in their garden.  Knowing we have our little nature pond now, they offered to let us adopt him.  Actually it was more a case of begging us to take him! He seems to have settled in well and has found his happy place, half in and half out of the watercress plant.

It's become my morning routine to go out after breakfast and see if I can find him.  He's always so well camouflaged in the greenery.  I hope he doesn't miss us too much when we are on holiday!  I am sure he will miss having some weird woman peering into the pond every morning searching for him!

So, our daughter's isolation period is over; she booked herself in for a hair cut and colour and then a manicure appointment and gleefully handed the children over to Daddy to make up for the 10 very long days and nights that she has had them all to herself!  

We have a very suspicious looking dog here at the moment.  I'm sure she knows what those black cases mean when we get them out of the loft.  She'll have a lot of fun with her temporary family but she does have a way of making you feel very guilty.  I'm looking at the weather forecast and it looks as if we may have a dry, warm week ahead so fingers crossed (but of course I will be packing for every eventuality as we all know what a week in England can be like!)

I'm remembering to pack my photo hunt list so that I can hopefully cross a few more categories off.  I always like to find a few things from further afield. 

We are off to friends for pre-holiday drinks later, it's a tradition we started many years ago and a lovely way to start the week off.  I probably ought to be getting those cases zipped up before we go so I don't have to think about that when we get back later. Also once they are zipped, there is no chance of me throwing in one more item of clothing 'just in case'. After all, there's no luggage restriction on a UK break so no reason to travel light!  


  1. How lovely to have a new addition to the pond. Hoping you have a wonderfully relaxing and enjoyable week, with fine weather :).

  2. Congratulations on the addition to the garden family, I am sure your frog will earn his keep in catching flies & eating slugs. Happy vacation & I am glad that a priority item, the SPSH list, is being packed (lol). Be safe, have fun ...

  3. Hope you have the loveliest trip!! What fun:)

  4. That's funny about the frog "phobia." I have a friend who suffers from the same thing. I had never heard of that. Since you've adopted a turtle, he/she must be wary of them too. I like turtles. They are very interesting creatures and as far as I can tell, do no harm. I hope you have a great time on your holiday. I'll look forward to your reports!

  5. I do like a turtle!
    I think you're away on holiday now - hoping you're having a wonderful time!

  6. How lovely to have a frog to enjoy! Hope you had a lovely holiday. The weather couldn't have been better.

  7. We had a small pond with turtles once upon a time. Hope your frog has adjusted to his new home.

    I bet Coco gets upset when the suitcases come out just like our kitties. I try to wait til the last minute to pull them out of the closet. Opting to set all of our clothes and things we plan to pack on a guest bed until the night before our trip. This time we had some neighbor children feed our kitties and the stray we take care of, too. Because they live down the street, they could easily come twice a day to check on the 'girls'. It was wonderful because I didn't worry much about them. And when we got home, Snick and Simmie didn't seem as upset with us!!
