Monday 16 May 2022

Me on Monday

 Welcome to the start of a new week!  Last week was a real pick 'n' mix of days and left me with similar up and down emotions.

The news from 'Bowelbabe' Deborah James to say she is now receiving end of life care was so sad, she has given hope and inspiration to so many people and raised awareness that you are never too young to receive this diagnosis.  Her fundraising page is overwhelmed by donations and the fact that Prince William went to her home to personally present her with her Damehood brought tears to my eyes.  

Following on from this we attended a memorial gathering for my ex work colleague who died during lockdown last year.  Pam was over 20 years older than me but we became good friends while working together and remained friends long after we both left work, her to early retirement and me to raising a young family.  Pam was one of those people who grabbed every opportunity that passed her way.  The fact that some people may say 'you're too old to do that' would only spur her on to prove them wrong!  She took a real interest in people and genuinely cared.  Her family were truly blessed to have her at the top of their family tree and it is my intention to 'be more like Pam' whenever I am waivering on a 'should I? shouldn't I?' dilemma.  The family had compiled a video display of photos of her over the years and her smile - which was reflected on the faces of everyone she was with - absolutely beamed out of the images.  

Phew.  So those were the bits that hit me emotionally last week.  There were also the routine childcare days, catching up with housework days, and a lunch out with friends on Friday.  

So what does this week currently hold for us?  Well, at the risk of jinxing the weather for the rest of the year we are having an awning fitted on Tuesday.  It will reach over the width of our patio where we have our dining table and hopefully will get a lot of use when we eat outside this summer.  So, if we have a disastrous cold wet summer this year, you know who to blame!

We won't be having Max here this week as he woke up on Sunday a bit spotty.  On Friday there were only four in his class at nursery as 14 children had chicken pox and it looks like he's now become number 15!  It will be strange to have a Wednesday free, we've been talking about going to a garden centre to buy some summer plants, looks like Wednesday may be the day.  I really am tempting fate with the weather aren't I? I'll probably be spending my spare day wrapped up warm indoors working on my blanket.  Would you like a progress report?

I think I am 10 rows from the end although it's one of those patterns you can pick up and put down as the rows are quite long now and take longer to do.  However I do have a bit of added pressure as I have signed up for a 'Crochet-A-Long' project which starts next Monday.  You are given a set number of rows to do each week - I hope I manage to keep up with everyone else as I still consider myself to be new at this craft.  This is going to be a big challenge and unlike anything I've made before but after a lot of procrastination I channelled my inner Pam (as I mentioned before!) and went for it.  If the weather is nice this week, my almost finished work in progress won't have grown much by the weekend, if it's been raining I can guarantee at least another couple of rows!

So what are your plans for the week ahead?  


Patio Postcards said...

What a lovely tribute you wrote for your friend Pam. Some people just have the extra special umph of grabbing life. Your quilt is coming along quite nicely, it's going to be a piece of art work when finished.

Question about the chicken pox at Max's school ... this side of the pond the kids are vaccinated for chicken pox early on, (first jab is at 12-15 months & then the booster at 4-6 years), is there not the same push in England? In our region there was a large social media campaign & flyers sent home from school recently about the dangers & life long affects (shingles) from chicken pox.

This West London Life said...

Gosh, what a beautiful tribute for your friend Pam. I'm sorry to hear that wee Max has the pox, but probably better now than later.
The weather does seem to be improving, so hopefully you'll be able to enjoy your new awning right across the next few months. Fingers crossed!

Susanne said...

My condolences on the loss of your friend Pam; she sounds like quite a gal. I hope Max's spots clear up in a jiffy. When my two kids had them, their grandma came and spent the week as I was still working. So I probably don't remember how tricky that can be for little ones.

Jennifer said...

It is amazing the lasting impact some folks can have on us. I do wonder what impact I will leave one day?! But, thankful for the "Pams" that I have had in my life. Sure hope Mr. Max has a light case...and will be feeling 100 percent soon. The blanket is a beauty! Here's to a lovely week ahead! said...

Chicken pox? Oh dear. Sounds like he was doomed if so many in his class came down with them before Max did. Hope sister doesn't contract them. Or maybe it is better if they do and get it behind them for both children. Is he terribly itchy and miserable?

Your work progress on the afghan blanket is impressive. You have done so much it seems since last week. Love the bright yellow. I noticed it inside the smaller squares in the middle. Glad to see a new row of bright yellow in your latest work. Beautiful colors.

I just learned about the British announcer nicknamed 'Bowelbabe' this past week. So young, such a sad story. Hadn't heard that Prince William visited her to present her with Damehood. Most well deserved. We have a local news announcer who also battled bowel cancer or colon cancer (are they the same?) and survived. They must have caught it very early with our gal.

Pam sounds like a delightful friend. I am sure she brought sunshine to all the lives she touched. I remember attending a funeral or memorial service for a friend's mom whom I had never met. But the photos and stories the family shared perfectly portrayed this feisty woman and made me feel like I knew her myself.

Stay well and pox-free, my friend.

Barbara Eads said...

So sorry to hear about your friends. That certainly puts a damper on your week.

I hope Max is not having too hard a time with the chicken pox and feels better soon. Perhaps you'll have him next week.

Your afghan is so beautiful! I might have to see if any of the yarn shops near me have any classes like that. It's so unusual and yoru color selection is just perfect!