Monday 6 June 2022

Me on Monday

 It's been a social whirl of a long weekend, celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee - or the 'Platty Jubes' - 70 years on the throne, what an achievement.  It has not been known before and I very much doubt it will ever happen again.  So what a great excuse to celebrate!  She really has dedicated her whole adult life to her country and I am so pleased that she has been well enough to participate in a few of the organised events.  Not to mention hosting Paddington Bear at the Palace before the concert on Saturday night - what a good sport she is for joining in video clips like these.

The celebrations where I live started on Thursday; we spent the afternoon at one of our neighbours enjoying a few glasses of wine and a barbecue.  It's not often we get to spend much time with our neighbours even though we live in a cul-de-sac, it's usually just a quick wave and a hello as people come and go so it was a lovely opportunity to have a proper chat.  Then we popped home, collected Coco and went into town to meet some other friends in the town park where the community beacon was lit as part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Beacon event where thousands of beacons up and down the country were lit at the same time.

 On Friday we had Rachel and her family here for a Jubilee lunch, we set up an obstacle course in the garden for Leo and Rosie, the sun was shining so we were able to eat outdoors - it was lovely.  (Jon and family were still isolating due to Olive's chicken pox!)

We had a clash of arrangements on Saturday; another part of our street was planning a street party on Sunday but the weather forecast changed considerably and it looked like it would be raining all day so they moved it forward a day.  But we already had plans for Saturday afternoon so we popped along to the street party for an hour and then headed to our friends for a garden party barbecue.  

Do you recognise me?  

So, we have made the most of our days, eaten and drunk too much celebration food and drink and I've now run out of red, white and blue clothing!

At the moment it looks like I don't have many plans for the week, but it's surprising how things suddenly appear in the diary when you aren't expecting them.  J and family are on holiday this week so no childminding for Max again this week, it the sun comes back again I think it may be the perfect opportunity to take my new car out for a day somewhere nice!


Patio Postcards said...

What fun experiencing all the celebrations for Queen's Platinum Jubilee, it was a wonderful time for all to come together after 2 years apart. I hope you have a fun day out with your new car.

This West London Life said...

You have been busy, but don't get me started on Platty Jubes!!!
My guys tested positive on Saturday morning, so good job we went to our Jubilee party on Thursday and picked up Tilly on Friday.
Tea with Paddington was absolute genius!

alexa said...

That's been a fun time! I loved the Paddington Bear sketch too ... I really do think the Queen is a marvel. Hoping you get to enjoy those 'empty-so-far' days before Something Turns Up :).

Jennifer said...

What a fun week it has been! How nice to enjoy the celebrations with your neighbors...that is a treat! I wanted to say you commented (on my post) about the hash brown (or grated potato) casserole. Yes, we can make a casserole out of just about anything - lol! But I do love hash brown patties the best! Interestingly, your description of a "full English breakfast" (which sounds delicious) did not include baked beans....something you would only find here at a BBQ as a side with hot dogs or hamburgers but something I thought was included at every proper English breakfast? Hmm - now, I'm curious:)
Glad you stopped by today. Sure hope everyone will be chicken pox free and out of quarantine soon!!

Susanne said...

It has even been fun on this side of the pond. I haven't watched coverage on TV, but my Instagram feed has been pure Platty Jubes joy. God bless the Queen! Have fun toodling around in your new wheels.

Barbara Eads said...

I'm so jealous! I wanted to be there for the celebrations, but couldn't make it happen. Luckily, one of my book club members did it up for us! She's from Nottingham. said...

I adore how you guys celebrated the Queen and the Platty Jubes. What great fun. I didn't see a whole lot of the festivities on the TV but enjoyed seeing posts on Instagram from the Royal Family. Just delightful. I was tickled that the Queen was able to enjoy some of the fun in her honor. She is an amazing woman, an amazing institution.

Had to do a double take of you with the mask. Ha!! To the street parties and the lighting of the beacon, do you wear dresses? Do people 'dress up?' We have nothing similar to compare it to except maybe 4th of July which is generally a very casual holiday.

Sorry to read that Jon and family are still in isolation. I am just plain tired of being quarantined over here. My official Covid test results have never come's been 5 days. But I did another at-home test today and it still showed slightly positive. Enough so that Lauren says I still can't see the babies. It has been almost a month since I last saw them. Waaaaa!! They are going on holiday, the first week of July, though, and I know they sure don't want to take a case of Covid with them. But I miss my babies.

Hope you are enjoying a nice week. Red hot here.