Monday 10 April 2023

Me on a Monday

As you can see from the newspaper article above, I have a confession to make.

I decided to take a trip down memory lane on Saturday afternoon and look through some previous April posts and I came across this one.  In April 2014 I was trying my hand at crochet.  Yet 6 years later, I claimed that I was learning for the first time!  I really did not remember those first practice squares.  I am hanging my head in shame for misleading everyone 😔

Yet it shows that back then we were all visiting one another for a cup of tea/coffee (one of us was talking about crochet!) and some of us were participating in a patchwork square swap.  I was awaiting my squares from around the world and apparently stalking my postman with the 'interesting' hairstyle - he's no longer a postman, I do hope that was nothing to do with me anxiously asking if I had any post every day!  Coco was up to all kinds of mischief - some things never change. The idea for sharing news over cups of tea came from Abi who is no longer blogging.  Her time is now taken up with being a mum to a cheeky, lively little boy.  I can understand that any spare time she has is precious and blogging has to take a back seat. But if you click here you will see how her April 2014 looked, and just look at the names included in the link at the bottom. We were quite a blogging tribe back then weren't we? 

What is it about looking back over old blog posts?  It's a rabbit hole and once you've fallen in, it takes a long time to crawl back out.  But crawl out I must, as I have eight guests for lunch today, four of them (the littlest ones) full to the brim with chocolate no doubt.  No doubt Crazy Daisy will be with them too {don't tell Coco} so the house will be full and noisy as we celebrate Easter Monday.  

Have a good week!



Patio Postcards said...

Well thankfully your are in 2.0 of your crocheting time & developing skills :)

I can only imagine Paul's face at finding Coco on the table. I read that original post & thought the same thing, where have all the bloggers gone?

This West London Life said...

I miss those days with all our blog friends!

Barbara Eads said...

I'm most intrigued by the newspaper article. Is that legit or is it one of those things you can make look like a newspaper article? Either way, I loved it. I'm not surprised you would have no memory of those first squares. A friend of mine recently said something about me teaching her to needlepoint 20 years ago. I have no recollection of that--even when she described the project. As far as I'm concerned, I just introduced her to it a few years ago!

alexa said...

How on earth did you do that 'newspaper article'? I am totally in awe :). Yes, it's a bit shocking when we realise we've done something before and have no memory of it. I have several times looked thing up on my own blog to check a date or event! Ah, those heady days of lots of bloggers popping in and out - wasn't it such a lovely time? Hoping your Easter Monday choc-fest was enjoyable and a great success ...

Deb's World said...

That's so funny Deb!! I love the newspaper article and am glad it says Deb's World UK version as I can't crochet at all!

Susanne said...

I, for one, would never hold it against you if you had forgotten something, even after blogging about it. I often draft a blog post and wonder if I have told the story before.

And like Ruth, I miss many of those in our early blogging circle. We were all taking Shimelle's Blogging For Scrapbookers class, weren't we. I remember Abi as being younger and more energetic than me.