
Friday 28 June 2024

#WBOYC in June

 It's the last Friday of the month so time to have a quick round up of what's been going on over here.  The month of June should surely have been the start of the summer shouldn't it?  Blue skies, warm sunshine, long days, meals taken outside ... let's see what really happened!


Just managed to sneak in a trip to our nearest beach at the weekend.  I do love a walk along the sand and the sight of a line of beach huts.  We have friends who moved to a village close to Frinton on Sea and they invited us for Sunday lunch last weekend.  The weather was glorious and when they said 'do you fancy popping into Frinton for a seaside walk?' I was quick to put on my sandals and sun hat.


Unknown local vineyards.  England is not famed for its wine industry so you would have thought I would have known we had a vineyard less than an hour away wouldn't you?  However, it wasn't until we were gifted a vineyard tour as a Christmas present that we discovered it.  I booked the tour for mid June, assuming that the weather would be nicely warm, but as the date approached, and weather forecasts still showed the likelihood of rain I wondered if the tour would go ahead! luckily the rain clouds blew away before the tour and we had a really interesting tour followed by a rather delicious tasting 😊


Nuptials! My cousin got married and it was the first wedding we’ve been to since our children got married seven years ago. They make a perfect couple, they had met at school, lost touch, both married and had a family with other people, both divorced and then found themselves working at the same company. The rest is history, they lived together for years then when it was a leap year in 2020 my cousin proposed to him! It then took four years to decide on a date. 


Excited to feel the sun on our holiday to Mallorca, it was absolutely glorious there.

So it was a busy month and happily the British sun finally made an appearance ... how long will it last though?

Let's take a 1 Second Everyday look at how the month unfolded.  Then please pop over to Australian Deb's blog to see what's been happening on the other side of the world!


  1. June certainly seemed like a joyous month for you with lots of reasons to celebrate.

  2. We also often have iffy 'Junuary' weather each year. Despite that your June looks great. I enjoyed your 1second-a-day video!

  3. I adore love stories like that of your cousins ... thanks for linking up.

  4. A great month by the sounds of things Deb and Mallorca looks brilliant! Hope the summer sun keeps shining for you. Thanks for joining us for #WBOYC

  5. I always enjoy your one second videos. Your trip looks so relaxing with beautiful views. Butch is wanting us to go to the beach next week, but I think it's going to be too hot for me. You look as cool as a cucumber!

  6. Sounds like a very pleasant month. Glad someone gifted you the vineyard tour so you were introduced to wine being made in your backyard. We need to tour the vineyards around here again - maybe in the fall when the temps are more agreeable.

    Pictures from your trip to Mallorca are all postcard worthy!! You should scrapbook that trip!! Would love to see you back at scrapbooking.

    We are off to the beach in 3 weeks but there have been shark attacks at South Padre where we will be staying. South Padre Island hasn't had shark activity in 8 years. I am hoping the incoming tropical storm/hurricane Beryl is the only reason they are present now. And I hope they go away by the time we start our vacation.
