
Friday 30 August 2024

#WBOYC in August


So here we are again at end of another month - linking up with Deb in Australia as she hosts another What's Been On Your Calendar? blogpost.  


August family celebrations this month - Jon & Sophie's wedding anniversary and Rachel and Leo's birthdays took place this month.


Using my 'Older Person's Bus Pass' for the first time!  The only bus service I use is the Park and Ride when we go to Cambridge and I was happy to take my pass on its inaugural journey.  Car parking in the city centre is £13.50 for up to four hours so to park for free and then get the free 10 minute bus ride to the city centre contributed generously to our lunch.  Tried a new (to us) gelato shop, Jack's Gelato, and it has overtaken Aromi to first place in our favourites list!  


Getting together with friends for lunch.  I love the fact that a few more of my friends have now retired so are available for leisurely lunches.  I've also joined a 'Knit and Natter' group which has been a new thing for me.  I was a bit apprehensive as I didn't know everyone there but they are a very friendly group and they made me feel very welcome.


Unearthing a Mary Quant style dress from the dressing up box and wearing it to a 60s and 70s night organised by my Zumba teacher. I made it for a black and white party about 25 years ago and I was pleasantly surprised to find it still fitted.


Strawberry and raspberry picking with Max and Olive

Needless to say that a fair few fruits were sampled on our way round and we definitely ended up picking more than we really needed but it was a fun way to spend a morning.


Theatre trip with Leo and Rosie. In the interval I was asked by one of the production team if we would mind being involved in the show.  My idea of a nightmare - but Leo and Rosie were so excited I couldn't say no.  Fortunately it only involved some dialogue with the Fairy Godmother and opening a golden envelope - I was dreading having to get up on stage so when I found out I would stay sitting in my seat in the audience I was very happy!

So that was my month, and here's the condensed day by day account of it - 1 Second Every Day.


  1. Hi, Deb - Thank you for being a regular contributor to #wboyc. I greatly enjoyed your wrap up posts. One again, I could not comment from my computer (403 Error). But I can comment from my Samsung phone. :)

  2. Sounds like a lovely month & well done you for still fittimg into your dress. I have earrings I can still fit into years later ... does that count? Thanks for linking up with us.

  3. Hi Deb, thanks for joining us for #WBOYC and enjoyed your August thoughts. Have a lovely September x

  4. Hi Deb, well done on using your bus pass for the first time. I'm not looking forward to the parking fees when we visit later this month but that's not going to stop us! I always enjoy your monthly wrap-ups and seeing another version of Deb's World. Thanks for joining us for #WBOYC.

  5. So glad to see the 1 sec a day photo of your black and white 'costume' dress. You look smashing. I bet you haven't gained an ounce in years and years. Just precious. And how 'bout that Coco surrounded by pink in her cameo appearance. Love that pup.

    Your berries look delish. My mother-in-law grows raspberries and had picked and frozen some for me to enjoy while we were in Ohio. Oh, they were so fabulous.

    I think I need to investigate this gelato stuff. There is a gelato store near Lauren's house. Maybe this weekend we can try it.
