Monday 23 September 2024

Me on Monday

Slightly later with my post this week and I am typing with slightly frozen fingertips!  I found myself with a free morning and decided that now would be a good time to defrost the freezer in our kitchen.  It isn't overfull at the moment and it gave me the opportunity to clear out any slightly suspect packages that may have been in there a little too long, make room for Christmas goodies and do a stocktake of all the things I had forgotten we had put in there!  I'm feeling very virtuous 👼

Now we need to have a quick drum roll ... I have finished my daughter's jumper!  

I'm not wearing the ideal clothes to show it off but you can get the idea.  She seems very pleased with it and I did enjoy making it but I am pleased to have it off my hook. 

It was my turn to host the Knit and Natter group on Friday and one of the group is collecting hand knitted garments to send to Ukraine.  So I decided to start a baby's cardigan.  It's been a while since I did any knitting, it took a while to get back into the swing of things.  It's nice to work on something small for a change.

So this week holds a haircut, a day with Olive, two school pickups, a Zumba class and lunch out with a friend.  Before we know it the weekend will be here!

Have a good week x


Jennifer said...

Deb, the jumper - um, sweater:) - looks great! I know your daughter will enjoy wearing it! Kudos to you for getting that freezer cleared out. Making room for Christmas goodies - oh my. Did I really read that correctly?!? Hard to believe. Enjoy your week ahead. Sounds like a nice one - lunch dates, a fresh haircut and time with your favorite little ones!!:) said...

Oh, I know Rachel was tickled pink with her lovely handmade jumper. You did a wonderful job on it. That pink is so much fun. May your daughter wear it in good health for years to come.

Sounds like a pleasantly busy week. Glad you are getting to do some things you enjoy in addition to the child minding. Which I know you enjoy, as well. How sweet to be making baby things for the little ones in Ukraine. Hope you pretty baby things serve to help keep the recipients safe from harm.

Good on you to defrost the freezer and sort through the things inside. I need to do that, too. Had done it in the summer but I agree, it would be nice to get things cleaned out and ready for the hams and turkeys I will be buying for the holidays.

debs14 said...

Thank you! It's good to feel a little bit organised before life gets busy!

debs14 said...

It's one of those jobs is very easy to put off isn't it? There's always a few surprises in there, things I'd forgotten I'd bought!

Patio Postcards said...

Deb I like the lovely jumper you made for your daughter. Oh I do wish I could knit or crochet! Sounds like a pleasant week ahead, with a lovely mix of fun, friends & family. Thanks for that reminder to get the chest freezer cleaned out a bit to make ready for holiday treats; first up is our Thanksgiving October 14th.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Lovely jumper! You are clever. Have a good week

Ruth said...

The jumper is lovely, well done and no wonder R is pleased with it! Funnily enough, I was staring into the fridge earlier today and thinking about the space required for festive delights. :)

debs14 said...

There’s always something in there that I’ve forgotten about!

debs14 said...

Thank you!

debs14 said...

The Christmas adverts are starting to appear, that’s what prompted me!

Barbara Eads said...

Cleaning out the freezer is always rewarding--as is finishing a project. Can't wait to see the baby sweater you are making.