Monday 21 October 2024

Me on Monday

 Monday finds us in decorating mode again, lounge and dining room this time.  It looks so empty down there with all the picture off the walls and books and glasses out of the display unit.  It's also a time of not knowing where to go or what to do in your own home!  

I'm happy to report that my theatre trip with Olive was a great success.  The actors followed the book word for word and the costumes and set were exactly the same as in the book.  Olive particularly liked the part where the Tiger ate all the food and then danced around the kitchen!  

Rosie and I completed the crystal picture that we’ve been working on, I think I enjoyed it as much as she did! It’s very relaxing ☺️ 

So what else does this week bring?  Well tomorrow is already causing me some anxiety as it starts with a check up at the dentist (I am as bemused as anyone else as to why I should get in a state over a ten minute examination) and ends with a doctor's appointment to discuss the results of my recent blood test. My cholesterol has been raised for the last 4 years but each time they say that my ratio of good to bad is good so I don't need statins.  I'm wondering if now that I am over 65 they may change their mind?

The end of the week see mega childcare - not to mention puppy minding!  Our son and daughter in law are going to a wedding in the Czech Republic so we have Olive and Max here - and Mario the puppy - overnight Friday.  Handing them over to Sophie's sister on Saturday for her turn of looking after them for a night but that evening we have Leo and Rosie staying over (without Daisy) while our daughter and son in law are out at a birthday party.  I predict a very tired Nanny and Grandad on Sunday!

Before we know it, it will be the end of another busy week!


This West London Life said...

I hope the decorating goes well this week (it's always difficult, knowing where to situate yourself while it's happening!); we're having the outside painted so have our fingers crossed for a few consecutively dry days.
Good luck with all the grandchildren sitting - your offspring are so lucky to have you and P available to help.

debs14 said...

I do hope you get a run of dry days to get the outside work done. One bonus of being kept out of the living rooms is that I am now completely up to date with all washing and ironing! said...

Oh, my goodness, you are going to deserve a getaway the following weekend. New puppy-sitting, too? Heavens. That is a lot. Hope the children are delightful and the puppy is easy to manage. Maybe it is best Daisy isn't coming on Saturday, to give Coco a break.

The theater experience sounds like it was marvelous. So nice to do things separately with the grandbabies. We have tried a time or two to take Lucia to do something and then Cami to do something else. Lucia enjoyed her time alone but Cami kept asking for her sister when she had alone time with Gabba and Campa. They have been sick so much this fall we have hardly seen them. Both home until Thursday this week with more throat, coughing, congestion and fever business.

I wish we could paint one room at a time. Maybe once the foot is better. I am sure the room looks so different without your personal touches about. Moving is one of my least favorite things in the whole world and taking curtains down to wash, painting, rearranging things all makes me feel anxious like a move is about to happen.

Hope the dentist wasn't bad and that the doctor says you can continue to manage your cholesterol without meds. I am in the same boat.