

Monday, 17 March 2025

Me on Monday

 Well here I am, another year older 😊 I had a nice relaxing birthday; we went to Cambridge as that’s one of my favourite places to spend time. We had lunch in the Sicilian restaurant that we love

Yes that toasted focaccia sandwich was almost the size of my arm but I promise we shared it! It was a Saporita Spianata, Provola cheese, pancetta, roasted red pepper, and caramelised onions on sourdough focaccia. Yum 😋 

The two guys sitting behind me were discussing the problems food outlets have with people hogging tables, and spending hours over one cup of coffee.  Their particular pet peeves?  Young mums with toddlers/babies in buggies, not only monopolising a table but cluttering the spaces between tables, and - wait for it - 'ladies of a certain age' chatting for over an hour with a toasted cheese sandwich and a drink.  Had it not been my birthday I may have felt inclined to give him the opinion of one of those ladies of a certain age!

My ‘knit and natter’ group have been making squares to join together to make blankets for the palliative care unit of our local hospital. It’s been quite a challenge and I am almost finished putting the crochet edge on the second one.  I have a new, much smaller project on the go now. I’ve never made myself anything to wear so I have a hexi cardigan on my hook. At the moment it looks like a teeny tiny cardigan for a toy doll, but it will grow with every row!

Last Monday I was telling you how lovely the weather had been. A few days later and we were caught out in a hailstorm while walking Coco! British weather eh? 

This week I have a couple of lunches out, I am making up for hibernating for the last few weeks. I have to make a fast exit from pilates this morning as I need to be at a friend's house within 45 minutes!  Good job both places are very local to me.

Have a good week and here's hoping we have more sunshine and less hailstones this time x

1 comment:

  1. Your sandwich does look very delicious. And what a wonderful way to spend your birthday, celebrating you. I did snort with derision at the two gentlemen complaining about women taking up too much space. Shall we point out that men of a certain age sit for ages with one coffee & loudly discuss what's wrong with the world & rarely looking inwards!
