- When both 'kids' are home in the holidays and I go to bed knowing all four of us are safely tucked up in bed in the same house
- Alexander the Meerkat's 'compare the market.com' advert - always makes me smile
- A chilled glass of prosecco or champagne
- Snuggling under a fleece blanket on the sofa watching Grey's Anatomy. Especially enjoyable if I know I really ought to be doing the ironing
- Going to my sister's holiday home in Portugal, the minute you open those patio doors and feel the warm Portuguese sun on your face you know that relaxation time has begun
- Reading just before I go to sleep at night. Even if my eyelids can barely stay open, I love a good book
- Seeing my son's name as 'online' on Facebook while he is at uni. Sometimes that's as close as I get to having a 'conversation' with him all week
- Doing something creative and if it causes a mess throughout the study or dining room, so much the better.
- Trying out a new recipe. Especially if the first ingredient is chocolate
- Having friends round for dinner, eat, drink and be merry, that's my philosophy!
And now to pass this award on, with the instructions to follow my lead and list those things that make you happy too. There are a couple of people I would have included but someone else got there first so I will choose people previously un-nominated:
Denise for being a brilliant friend over the last 32 years and for introducing me to scrapbooking
Robyn whose blog has such great variety, I only know her through cyberspace but she's the kind of person I'd like to be friends with
Abi who I 'met' through Shimelle's blogging class. I relate to her stories as she's not far off the age of my son and when I read them I can almost hear the way she is writing them (does that make sense?)
Rachel B she has a gorgeous little boy and I love the pictures she takes of him and the little snippets of info of the funny things he does.
And as for Sian and Mel ; I would have included you guys but you've already been nominated and there's only so much room on your mantlepiece for awards!
lol! Oh, bless you - and because I haven't got round to passing mine on yet, other people are snapping up my 'nominees' - you were on my list too! xx
PS Mmm.... Chocolate.....
Deb, you are SUCH a cutie pie. Seriously. A cutie pie. ;) Thank you for your award! And thank you for your loyal readership and bloggy friendship! Love it!
Loved reading your list,Deb.... glad it cheered you up.
Deb, this list makes me happy and they are not even my things to be happy about!
Great list! The meerkat ad is a big favourite here too. I even made a lo about the fascination it has for my baby nephew! I'm glad the award put a smile on your face
Thank you Deb, that is very sweet. I love reading your blog, your posts always make me smile.
ahhh thanks so so much debs! I'm so glad u can relate to my blog posts! So nice of u to thnk of me!!! Now who to give it to??? Ahh!! xxx
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