Saturday 11 June 2011

An eventful crop

I knew I shouldn’t have made that little penguin the star of yesterday’s post, there was no peace until I agreed on taking him to the Eclectic Keepsakes crop today.

He was quite well behaved, and enjoyed making himself at home and having a good look round.  He was particularly interested in Jane’s new tote

P1020589well at least until the cupcakes were handed outP1020586 Hmm – that’s a mighty big cupcake for one little penguin.  After tucking into it, he needed a little napP1020587 but then disaster struck!  An evil scrapbooker came and kidnapped him,!  Luckily he escaped and managed to get our attention by tapping on the windowP1020590  He was in a state of shock – good job both Karen’s are highly trained in first aid and knew how to put him in the penguin recovery position, P1020594

administer a cup of hot strong sweet tea P1020591

and cheer him up by offering him chewy sweets


After some investigations – we suspect we have discovered the identity of the kidnapper

P1020595and could finally get on with completing the lovely layout that had been designedP1020593   then it was time to pack everything up and take one tired – traumatised – penguin home.  I don’t think he’ll be coming with me again …



Sian said...

LOL! You know how I feel about penguins - only you could give me penguins and make me smile! I love this.

This West London Life said...

Oh, I wish I could have been there!

Cheri said...

He sure had quite the adventure! Will he become a regular on the blog now? He sure is cute!

Heather said...

Poor penguin! He will need some quiet time in a darkened room to get over the kidnapping episode! xx

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you both had a such a good time. I am sitting on my sofa giggling at this post and the antics that cheeky littl chappie got up to. I am only glad I didn't have to give him the kiss of life! Please bring him again as most of his naughty behaviour was instigated by others!

Ginger said...

He sure had a busy day! I bet he is out like a light :)

♥ Liz ♥ said...

A scrapbooking penguin!! He looks like he had a great time despite getting kidnapped :0)

scrappyjacky said...

Sounds like you both had a fun day out.

Lou said...

awwww a great post that made me smile :)

Jo.C said...

Brilliant post - did you have time to scrap as it seems he took a lot of looking after :0)

alexa said...

Fantastic post! I just love it! So very creative and witty.

Lynn said...

Did you manage to fit any scrapping in between all the penguin drama!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

:o) Adorable post, Deb. This is just too cute and funny!