Wednesday 8 June 2011

Thinking outside of the box

I had the email from Shimelle yesterday which was the last part of the Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers, and I really like the thought of the '10 things on the 10th' link that she has planned.  But you know, TEN things?  That's a lot of things to find to link up. 
But I've been giving it some thought and I think I've come up with something.  Something a bit different.  Something that no one else would be stupid enough to  think of.
And I know I run the risk of people thinking I am crazy, but I've kind of enjoyed gathering together these 10 things so I am ready to go!
Didn't an amazing amount of people take part in Sian's Sunday Stories this month, it was such fun to read them all.  I just wish that blogger would let me consistently leave comments for people, I did read them all and tried to comment but some of them just took me round and round in a loop from commenting to having to retype my log in details, typing in code words, then back to log in page again.  Is anyone else having this problem?  So annoying, and I hate to think that people aren't getting the comments that they should have.


scrappyjacky said...

Deb, the problem is usually solved by unchecking the 'stay logged in box'. The problem seems to be on the blogs with an embedded comments box.
Looking forward to your '10'

Cheri said...

Yes, I've had the exact same issues with blogger and will now have to pay more attention to when it comes up. Maybe if we all notice in which situations it is happening, we can help narrow down the problem so blogger can address it.

Can't wait to see what you've come up with for the 10th!

This West London Life said...

I ended up hardly leaving any comments on STS for that very reason ~ most annoying. I have an idea for 10 on 10, so will be interested in seeing what you've come up with.

Maria Ontiveros said...

The 10th should be an interesting day in blogland. I was so busy on Sunday and the first part of the week that I finally got a chance to enjoy all the stories last night. What a terrific collection of writers.

Sian said...

I can't wait to see what you come up with! I mightn't be in this one - it's a bit too close to the 5 Things I've been running on Saturdays myself. We'll see - never say never!

furrypig said...

I was also having all the same problems as you with blogger but Rachel B came up with a list of possible soluions including just unchecking the remember me box when you first log in and it worked for me!! Hope it does for you too. See you on the 10th for all our lists!!! xxx

humel said...

Same here with the commenting probs, and also the solution of unchecking the 'keep me logged in' box :) Try that, hope it works for you!

Looking forward to your '10'; I have an idea but it requires me to remember to prepare it tomorrow so let's see how that goes lol...

Alison said...

Looking forward to your 10 things...I'm still mulling it over!
Alison xx

helena said...

I've been puzzling over the 10 thing on an off since I read it - so envious you have thought of a 10 - everything I have thought of so far I don't get further than 6 items and then have no more ideas or interest

Amy said...

Deb I installed google chrome, made my comments appear in a pop up window and then unceked the stay logged in box ... things seems to be a little better - I am still having trouble in a random sense but that is better than mass inability to comment!

I am not sure on the 10 things post yet ... yours sounds interesting though!

WendyB said...

Looking for to your 10 things too. Have started work on mine but don't really know yet what I'm going to do.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oooh...can't wait to see your 10 on the 10th!

Good to know about unchecking that "stay logged in" box. On the blogs I've had trouble with I have been leaving a comment using the Name/URL option in the comments.

Also, I think the problem has been resolved on my blog by going into my settings and turning off the word verification temporarily. That seemed to help my mom be able to leave comments...don't know if it helped anyone else.

Rhona said...

Yes, I've been having the same problems too. Will have to try what Jacky suggests and see if that helps.