I feel like this post should come with a health warning, don't come too close, I'm full of cold and sinusitis! A nice cup of tea will go down a treat though so come on in, sit down and let's pour a cup.
Did you remember to put the clocks back last night? Back to Greenwich Meantime, Summer is most definitely over.
I'm about to have a week's half term holiday and it couldn't have come at a better time. Apart from the fact that I'm feeling poorly, hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon and I'll feel better. The term at school ended in the most horrible way, with a memorial service for a Year 9 student of our who was killed whilst crossing the road a week ago. The feeling of sadness and loss encompasses the whole school and it is heartbreaking to see the outpouring of grief from her young friends and classmates.
So how will I spend my week off - with weather forecasts for torrential rain, storms and gale force winds on Monday! Well, I have a couple of new projects to start. Fabric related! My niece came over a little while ago and saw my quilts and suggested that for Christmas presents I could make her two children floor cushions with a patchwork cover. I didn't need to be asked twice! I sourced some floor cushion pads on the Internet and now they have arrived, the fun begins. I had already ordered this fabric for Jacob's ...

I have to make a bit of a confession. My scrapbooking mojo has disappeared completely. I don't know why - maybe I've run out of photographs that I want to use, but then again, there are many clever scrappers out there who manage to make beautiful pages with not a photo in sight! Or maybe it's just that sewing has taken over a little and once I've done a bit more of that, I'll get back to may pages again. Do you ever feel like that? And if you do, how do you get back into it?
I'll be telling you how much I am enjoying the Friendship Quilt project and how easy it would be for me to rush in and get all 12 squares done, right here, right now! But I'm trying hard to pace myself and clever Fiona hasn't sent us all the addresses so I can't anyway. Let's just say that I have been practicing with the next two. I can't wait to see more of Abi's as they arrive. Did you see the one Deb Turtle sent her of a tea cup with a little loopy handle? So clever! And I know that othere have made a start too as I've seen little hints here and there on blogs and instagram.
Well, I do hope I have not shared too many germs with you along with the cup of tea. I see that my daughter is gathering her hairdressing equipment together which means that my long overdue hair cut is about to happen. My hair hasn't been this long for years. 14". But that's quite long enough, should I go for something a bit shorter again, keep it more or less as it is with just a trim? Decisions, decisions. You'll have to wait until next month to find out when we get together again!
This post is part of an idea put together by Abi over at Creating Paper Dreams - please pop over there and see who else is about to put the kettle on for you!
Well, I am very happy to brave the danger of the lurghi and come and share a cup of tea with you, especially from such a nice pot. That is such a difficult loss you are all having to cope with, some for the first time, and my thoughts are very much with you ... The quilt-making news is very exciting and I am sure those little cars will go down an absolute treat! I think you are not alone on the scrapbooking mojo front; I find that if I get busy with something else creative, it usually seems to return by contagion. But there are lots of ways of being creative and scrapbooking is only one :).
The fabric looks such fun,Deb....perfect for the children.
Sorry to hear about the year 9 student. That is my worst nightmare. Hope you feel better soon. I hope to join you in sewing. Made a super girl cape in 30 mins flat tonight. Not my best work but does the job x
I'm keeping a healthy distance Deb as I am prone to sinus infections and can completely empathise with you!
I have no answer for the scrap mojo situation ... mine is more the blogging mojo that is lost - I'm dealing with it by just writing something small frequently in the hope that something is reignigted!
Take care Deb :)
Hi Deb. So sad about your year 9 pupil - the loss of a young life is so tragic.
Hope you feel well enough to get in some happy sewing time.
I am searching desperately for your Mojo and will certainly give it a good telling off and send it straight back once I find it!
I hope you feel a lot better soon..hanging over a sewing machine with a head full of sinus doesn't sound like much fun :( I know what you mean, though..the friendship quilt has renewed my interest in using my machine too and I am planning a bit of dressmaking for the first time in ages.
I love the idea of the floor cushions. I bet they'll be much appreciated
Thank you for stopping for tea with me today Deb. I'm sorry the end of term ended so horribly. Hooray for a long week though and those materials look lovely. I can't wait to see the progress. I am going to put together a post this week of all the lovely squares I have received so far. They are all unique and together will look beautiful!
I've got a bad case of the ick myself. Our clocks go back this Sunday coming up and I am so looking forward to it. Leaving for work in the pitch black really can get depressing.
Hope you enjoy your week off!
Sadness that you are sick, dear friend, and so very sad about the loss of a student. :o(
On the flip side, I love your happy car fabric, and am looking forward to seeing the floor cushions when they are complete. You are so sweet to give me a little shout out - glad you liked the little tea cup I sent to Abi. :o)
Thank you for a lovely afternoon! It was so nice to visit with you. We haven't turned our clocks back yet, so I really had to think to make sure I got there on time. Hope you feel better soon.
Looking forward to visiting with you again next month.
I hope you feel better by the end of the week. Love the sound of the floor cushions. I made my son a massive cushion for the end of his bed years ago (when it was bigger than him!), and he still has it. Last move I suggested he might want to part with it, but no way, so I know they will be a hit with the children.
What a sad time for your school.
Well, I'm already looking forward to catching up again next month. I hope our next visit fine you fit as a fiddle and scrapping like mad.
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