Wednesday 4 December 2013


Why ... were there only two other people in the post office this morning?  Normally that place is heaving and in the lead up to last posting date I was expecting queues out the door. 
Why ... so some people decide to stop either right at the top or right at the bottom of an escalator?  This is a disaster waiting to happen if I am the person behind them and not able to stop myself from walking into them!
Why ... do traffic lights stay on red for so much longer when you are in a hurry to get somewhere?
Why ... did my daughter send me a link to a grey coat she wanted for Christmas when she really wanted it in black?
Why ... did she remember to tell me this 5 minutes after I finished buying the grey one online?
Why ... do days off go so much quicker than days at work?
Why ... does the dog think that after I have told her 'no she cannot have any of my sandwich' whilst sitting on my left side, I am likely to say 'yes' if she moves to the right?
And lastly
Why ... is there so little fudge left in the tin after my baking session at the weekend?


Sandra said...

LOL I so laughed at these especially the sandwich one

helena said...

I'm with you on the escalator one - its one of the few times I want to shout at strangers - along with people who suddenly realise why will need their purse only when they reach the bus driver or cashier after standing waiting for over 5 minutes

Cheri said...

Lots of good questions. And I've faced that internet ordering one before. And yes, people shopping can really be oblivious - stopping on escalators and in the middle of traffic ways, not having their coupons, cash, or credit cards ready when they reach the front of the line, changing their mind about what they want or deciding they need another one and leaving the rest of the line waiting while the clerk runs off to fetch it...

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ah, life's mysteries! I can answer the last one though, because it looks irresistible!

This West London Life said...

Life's mysteries and if you find the answers, you may just have found the meaning of life!!

Sandie said...

He he!! Had to laugh about your daughter's coat - hope you can get it sorted! This time of year all kinds of irritations seem bigger, we all have so much to do in so little time. Look forward to seeing you Saturday! I take it you will be at Eclectic?

debs14 said...

Unfortunately I won't be there Sandie. Sorry to be missing last one of the year but there's lots going on here! If only it were a bit closer to home so I could pop in for an hour or so. Never mind, I will be there for the next one!

alexa said...

You have really made me smile, especially about your daughter's coat - arrgh! A fun post for a cold day - thank-you for the cheering-up :).

Maria Ontiveros said...

So many of these made me smile - especially the coat ones, which made me giggle. Thanks!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Ha! I hope Rachel likes her gray coat. :o)

scrappyjacky said...

Hmmmm....I think I could possibly answer the last one!!!!

Sian said...

The grey/black coat one had me laughing out loud. Why? why?

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I always wonder about the fudge thing. I want to know why people stop two car lengths from the white line when at a stop sign. PULL UP!! The light won't change if it doesn't know you are there and so we all wait forever while you get up the guts to inch closer to that white line. What are they so afraid of happening if they go to the right spot?

Anonymous said...

The escalator hit home and like Helena I wonder what's with those people who wait to the last minute to get their wallet/purse out. To add another one - why do people get in a left hand turn lane and then when they get the turn signal don't move.

Abi said...

This is just wonderful! I laughed reading this Deb! I agree with the traffic lights. My family call me the traffic light fairy because when I am in the car we always seem to get to the front of the queue and the lights turn to red!

Susanne said...

You're funny - and I will ask my dachshund why he tries the vary same thing - must be in the dogs' begging code of conduct. But you do realize that I know you can't blame the fudge disappearance on the dog, don't you.