Monday 9 March 2015

Me on Monday - 9 March

After a weekend when it really felt like Spring had sprung, this is Me on Monday ...

Getting used to my new glasses.  I've reached that stage where I need to wear them all the time now so I decided to treat myself to some new frames.
It was a real mix of a weekend. Bulk cooking to fill mother in law's freezer, visits to the accountant and realising his office is right in the heart of 'The only way is Essex' land (seriously, day trips to Brentwood and organised tours of Amy Childs' salon, Gemma Collins' boutique and all the nightspots they feature on TV) trying a new recipe on Saturday night and discovering a new spice mix on the way, Ras en Hanout anyone?  If you like Moroccan flavours you have to give it a try.  Long dog walks in the sunshine, and even mowing the lawn for the first time this year.
Can I sneak in a little something that happened on Friday as an 'almost the weekend' event? I received my last postcard from Sian's postcard exchange
All the way from Beverly in the US. Isn't it lovely?  My collection is complete! 
Back to the weekend proper -
Sunday was mostly spent at a quilting exhibition at Duxford, near Cambridge.  I think I read somewhere in the terms and conditions of entry that it was compulsory to buy something before you were allowed home; my story and I'm sticking to it. I now have a batch of new fabrics to play with 
I have never seen so many fabrics in one place. Duxford is an Imperial War Museum dedicated to aircraft and the exhibition was held in an aircraft hangar.  Oh, the choice. It would have been very easy to spend serious amounts of money, I was very restrained!  I also bought a kit to make a textured paper pieced picture (wish me luck!)it all seemed quite straightforward while the lady who designed them explained it to us but now I've got it home ... oh well, I will keep you informed!  Maybe the new glasses will make everything clearer ;-)
Giving a big wave to Sian who arranged the Me on Monday meme.  I'd love to see what you're up to today too - why not join in?


Alison said...

Like the glasses...I need some new frames too! Xx

Susanne said...

I agree the glasses suit you. I'm hoping to squeak by for one more year with contacts before I have to give in. I like those patterns of fabric, I'd like them all on paper!!

Ruth said...

New glasses are very popular this week! Yours look lovely.

Sian said...

Gorgeous glasses! I'm gearing up to making an's taking a lot of thinking about first..

I do like the idea of compulsory buying something'd be rude not to!! And now you can spend the week planning a new project. Excellent.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Very nice. That's a job on my list for the next couple of weeks. Although I spend more time taking them off when I'm sewing! Of course it's in the rules not to leave empty handed. That would be plain rude!

scrappyjacky said...

Our lawn got its first cut as well.
Love the glasses.

ally said...

Fab glasses I'm still fighting the optician not to have to wear mine all the
I wish I'd known about the du ford exhibition I would have gone. Must check the magazines etc for dates of shows

Anonymous said...

Loving the new glasses Deb. Am considering trying a bit of quilting so may have to do a little fabric shopping myself soon!

Barbara said...

I like the new glasses, the quilting exhibition sounds wonderful, I expect you found it difficult to choose fabric!

alexa said...

Your are clearly a very thoughtful person, making sure you purchased something - and isn't it a lovely pattern? I like those new glasses. At least if you're wearing them full time you won't be always looking for them the way I am my reading ones!

Beverly said...

My goodness that took awhile to get there! You look lovely in your new frames. I know they are grateful that you comply and make the required purchases ;)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Sounds like a fun and productive weekend. And great postcard.