It was a weekend of sunshine and
Saturday saw me preparing for friends to come over for dinner in the evening. My first proper meal for guests in the new kitchen. I’ve never been so tidy or so organised! I cooked as much as I could in advance and I have to recommend the dessert that I made, Lemon Meringue Pie that Mary Berry demonstrated in her recent series. O.M.G. Seriously good and seriously easy. The weather was lovely and we were able to sit outside after dinner until it got quite dark and someone mentioned something like ‘is that a bat flying around your tree?’ Because honestly, that is a sentence that never fails to make me dash back inside!
Sunday was a real mix of weather and we got drenched taking Coco out in the morning. If we’d waited a couple of hours we would have saved ourselves a lot of drying off time. I was so tired after disturbed sleep on Friday night and then a late night on Saturday I have to ashamedly admit to a post-dinner nap. Oh that lovely feeling of having had your Sunday lunch, with a mojito to go with it, sun shining in through the patio doors, feet up, lots of cushions, ‘I’ll just close my eyes for a moment …’ ‘Oops, now it’s mid afternoon and I still haven’t loaded the dishwasher.’Not too many more Mondays at work left this academic year
So what am I doing this Monday?
Today should have been the day the new blinds went up in the kitchen. As you can see, there were some blinds that went up. However it is a large bay window and although the two side blinds went in perfectly, the large one that goes across the front was sent 8cm wider than the measurements! It's so frustrating, as I was hoping this would have been ticked off the 'things left to do' list today. Anyway, it means I can stand at the window and give a big wave to Sian before I pop over there to see what she's up to this Monday.
Wow..I can't help being glad that we didn't have your storms with those beautiful ships in town here. There could have been a disaster scene. On a happier note I love lemon meringue and you have my mouth watering at the thought of it.
Have a great week Deb..hope the blind gets sorted very soon. We have a very similar phone no to a Blinds shop here and we quite often get people phoning up to complain!
Waving on a Monday! We escaped the storms this time. I saw Mary Berry make that meringue on iPlayer only last night. Thanks for the HU
We had The Boy Child hurtling across the landing to dive into our bed in the early hours of Saturday; it certainly felt like the storm was overhead! The pooch was cowering on the floor next to The Brainy One's side of the bed.
I still have to order a blind for the new bathroom and I'm worrying about the measurements being wrong ...
We had torrential rain on Sunday.....but no actual storm, thankfully.
We had the storm too. Two of the boys slept right through it. hope you get your blinds sorted.
Ooh I love Lemon meringue pie, but I have never actually made one myself. Might just have to give it a go. The lightning was just amazing. I sat in bed (just after midnight) and enjoyed the show. The Mechanic slept right through it on the sofa!
the storms passed us by but they sound incredible - no wonder a nap was needed
We had those storms here last night. Thankfully the cats take it all in stride!
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