Monday 22 May 2017

Memos, Mail and me

It's happening again folks.  I'm being 'taken over' by a colour.  It's subtle, it happens gradually, it lies in wait and sneaks up on you.  Before you know what is happening, you've 'accidentally' bought three new things in a 'totally different colour to normal' only to find out that you may be hatching a new 'normal'.  

Exhibit A

A new top, a new long sleeved t shirt and new dress.  All of which seem to have tones of the same gold/yellow in them.  How long have I liked yellow for goodness sake?  It's really not my kind of colour at all.  

And yet ...

Exhibit B
A quilt I made a couple of years ago which has been on the grey sofa in the lounge.

And then ...

Exhibit C

Where on earth did that dog find a gold cushion for 'her' armchair in the conservatory?  

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago how while tidying out my wardrobe I realised that I could date clothes by the colour tones in them and how I obviously have favourite colours every year.  I'm guessing this is my golden year then!


So, let's move on to things that arrived in the post this week.  Well.  I was lucky enough to be a randomly chosen winner of a pack of postcards from Kat Sloma following the Liberate Your Art project and a beautifully stamped envelope arrived this week containing all these beautiful pieces of artwork.  Definitely great inspiration for when I'm trying to find photos to use for next year's 'Liberation'.

There's half term looming - and a trip overseas planned.  Possibly the chance to get some photos to use for LYA2018?  Somewhere we've never been before, but somewhere that people say is beautiful.  Somewhere with Italian influence but not in Europe.  So I'll be AWOL next week for Sian's Memos, Mail and Me but that doesn't mean that I won't be checking up on the rest of you if I find internet connection.    


helena said...

a lovely shade of yellow you have 'chosen' for your newest colour - funny how something totally out of the norm can take hold - teal is doing that to me at the moment. have a fabulous holiday

Patio Postcards said...

Sunshine yellow is a good colour to go with - it can be quite encouraging. An Italian flare without being in Europe, well there's several choices on this side of the pond. New York City has a very large Italian heritage population as does Toronto & Montreal but then there's Vegas with the Venice canal replica ... happy travels. Looking forward to hearing all about the adventure - happy week ahead.

Sian said...

I think I might recognise that yellow as I believe I may have been drooling over the very same in a certain excellent shop yesterday. I've bought too much recently, so I held wear them and enjoy that holiday! You'll look so gorgeously summery..

Alison said...

Enjoy your break intrigued to find out where you're heading! Xx

This West London Life said...

Your Golden year? I like the sound of that! Happy travels ... we're going somewhere with an Italian influence as well, only our destination is actually in Italy! :)

Barbara Eads said...

OMGosh! I love your hints of yellow everywhere. I've always thought that's not my color but I'm re-thinking that. That color just looks so fun and fresh! I LOVE your quilt! Paired with the grey, the yellow is outstanding!