Saturday 27 January 2018

Here comes the weekend

One huge bonus of having friends over on a Friday night is that the house is all clean and tidy for the weekend.  We totally blitzed the housework when I got back from work at lunchtime so we have no chores to do all weekend - yay!  Our friends were originally coming over for drinks but a wave of laziness swept over me and I asked them if they would prefer to come over earlier and we'd get a takeaway instead.

No hesitation whatsoever - I guess they didn't fancy cooking either.  We are spoilt for choice with good takeaways here - we're not the only ones - one of our local restaurants is always posting Instagram pictures of when Rod Stewart goes in there.  So I suppose him and Penny don't always feel like cooking on a Friday night either.  Celebrities are no different from us ordinary folk!

The random quilt is taking shape

Since this photo was taken I've actually sewn the 5 squares for each row together so today I'm planning to sew the rows together and then I can decide on fabrics for the edging, backing and binding.  I sense a little time spent browsing fabric websites over the next day or two.

We'll be browsing travel websites too, as last night we planned a long weekend away with our friends - after a bottle or two of wine, we've decided on Bologna in Italy.  Watch this space!  Time for my husband to put his Italian lessons into practice.

I need to do some meal planning for the next few days - we have no visitors at all this weekend so we can have what we want - I'm planning on trying a dessert recipe that a workmate gave me for Raspberry and Almond Torte - it was delicious when she made it, I'm hoping I can match her high standards ... remind me again, was it me who said she had to eat more healthily in the New Year?  Oops!


Barbara Eads said...

I agree that having people over is the surest way to get things in order. By ordering takeaway (we call it "take out"), that makes entertaining even easier. Actually, I prefer delivery, but unfortunately for us, we do not have many food delivery services available to us---2 pizza places and 1 Chinese. Lucky for you that now you are free for the weekend with a clean house!

Maggie said...

The most effective way to clean the whole house is to have visitors to stay because then you can't get awy with lobbing everything upstairs AND the girls have to tidy their rooms! Could you save a bit of that torte for me please.

Patio Postcards said...

OH a plan for a trip to Italy - how marvelous or should I say favoloso! Raspberry almond torte - I'm drooling, please take photos to post.

I find we eat in a healthier fashion when I make up a meal plan for the week, it also saves on waste & I have what I need in the cupboards or frig. We have only one choice for takeaway/take out & that's pizza. Our little village actually has 3 pizza places & one is right next door to where I work. Pizza, to me, is a perfect food but not on the healthy eating plan, well at least not our North American version of pizza. Maybe I need a trip to Italy to learn how to make a healthy pizza.

Ruth said...

We like a take-away on occasion, but our local Chinese is expensive (but excellent) ... so it has to be an occasion!
I like the idea of holiday planning over wine with friends, it sounds ideal! And Bologna sounds lovely. I've got two trips booked - one for me and one for the three of us. :)

Leslie Roberts Clingan said...

We live in far northeast El Paso and we have practically no good restaurants over here. Plenty of Taco Bells, McDonald's, etc., but nowhere to get a good dinner to-go. So jealous.