Friday 24 May 2019

The wanderer returns

I have a lot of catching up to do.  I've been absent from blogging for the last week as we've been doing a lot of this

We've been in sunny Portugal, sharing a holiday with Rachel and her family.  Leo's first seaside holiday - and boy was he excited about it.  His little sister seemed oblivious to the fact that she was anywhere different but holidays are a whole lot different when you are only 6 months old!  I suspect that today Rachel may have a slightly grumpy toddler on her hands when he realises that no he won't be going to the beach today, nor the swimming pool, and he won't be allowed an ice cream every afternoon.

So I apologise for not commenting on blogs, but trust me as soon as I have put a load of washing in the machine and been to Tesco to restock the fridge, I shall be sitting down with a coffee to catch up with all the news.

I will just quickly share a photo I took as part of the photo scavenger hunt.  (Are you joining in too?  Please do!) This one fits the bill for number 14 - A handwritten sign


Maggie said...

How lovely to be able to share their holiday. I like the sign, very creative!

Patio Postcards said...

That's a great sign & find for the SPSH. Glad to hear that the family holiday was packed with relaxing & memory making moments ... that's the joy being the Gran, you don't have to be there for the grumpy moments! (lol). said...

I know you guys had the very best time. I love family trips to the beach. It has been a few years since we've taken one so I am a bit envious of you.

Glad you are home and getting back to the routine. There is something to be said for catching up on laundry, stocking the frig and getting back to normal even after the best vacation.

alexa said...

That's an interesting sign! How lovely to have had such a wonderful time with your family - the seaside is such fun. Hope the washing catch-up wasn't too onerous ...