Sunday, 28 June 2020

'Ta Dah' in June

What have I achieved this month?  Well ...

There were times when I thought I was never going to finish this jigsaw but ...

Ta Dah!

The latest jigsaw is complete!

Those areas where the trees are were SO tricky - but perseverance paid off oh boy there was quite the feeling of relief when I put that last piece in.


Book reading has been good too starting off with Beach Read by Emily Henry which was our book club's choice for this month; it was a nice, easy, light read and just right for something to relax with.  Then The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez which I saw on Ruth's blog. Followed by the sequel The Happy Ever After Playlist.


Baking has been reduced and thanks to me keeping hold of my Slimming World books, so has my weight! Almost 4lbs has gone in three weeks which is proof indeed that I cannot resist a slice of cake if I know there is one in the tin!


I've started and finished a whole season of Sweet Magnolias on Netflix. You can see the trailer here.  It definitely wasn't something that Paul would have enjoyed watching but if you want something easy to watch while you're having a cup of tea in the afternoon or doing the ironing, it's a nice easy viewing.  

One drama that we both really enjoyed watching was Unorthodox.  There are only four episodes and it is based on an adaptation of the memoir of  Deborah Feldman about her escape from an arranged marriage.  

So I've read a lot, watched a lot, and puzzled a lot which probably explains the eye problems I had in the last week of the month!


Something we've waited a while for is socialising again - albeit from a distance and only in the open air but after being in lockdown for so long, it feels so nice to be seeing people in the flesh again!  Whoever thought that getting together in a garden for a cup of tea would end up being a 'ta dah' moment?


I'm still keeping up with my Spanish lessons on the Duolingo app - almost 100 days now!


I've saved the best until last - I've had a hair cut!  Salons don't officially reopen until next Saturday but R offered to come and cut my hair in the garden on Saturday.  We both wore masks and she concentrated mostly on the back so we weren't face to face for long and even then she kept at arms length away.  Not the normal relaxing, pampering salon experience but it feels so good and now I just have to decide what to do about the colour when I do make an appointment in the salon.

I didn't feel as if I've achieved very much this month but when you start to write it down, given the circumstances we are in, it hasn't been so bad.  What 'ta dah!' moments have you had this month?

4 comments: said...

Completing that puzzle is a major accomplishment in my book! Holy smokes!! All of those tiny details. Makes my eyes cross.

Your haircut looks so fresh. My bangs are just making me nuts. They have grown out almost to wear they will stay behind my ears. But the wind here has been so strong that they wind up blowing straight down the middle of my face.

Good for you to stick with Duolingo. I need to do that and get my puzzle out at lunch time to work on while I eat my sandwich. We have eaten the last of the patriotic M&Ms so now maybe I can lose the four pounds I recently picked up.

Patio Postcards said...

Lots of Ta Dah moments in June. Yeah to a hair trim - it looks good. When I met my friend in the garden it also felt surreal & I found it hard not to give her a hug, but rules are rules.

Well done you sticking to that puzzle & with your Spanish lessons.

This West London Life said...

Lots of good ta-dah moments for you in June. :) The completed jigsaw looks amazing - it's NYC's Central Park, right?

I'm the first appointment of the day on Saturday at the hairdressers.:) Both boys have succumbed to the clippers, but both cuts came out well!

I hope your eye is beginning to heal.

Barbara Eads said...

That puzzle does look hard, but I know what you mean about putting in that last piece!! I've jotted down your recommendation for Unorthodox. I like documentaries. One of my favorite series (not a documentary) is Broadchurch. It's one mystery all season long and then connects with the characters to the next season. I think it was only 3 seasons---probably because Olivia Coleman got the job portraying the Queen on The Crown! Another I love--of course because both of those shows are set in England!