Sunday 8 November 2020

8th Day of Gratitude

Today's prompt is Weather

It may seem a bit strange but today I am grateful for this

Rain.  Much as I moan about it, we all know it is every British person's pleasure to complain about our weather! We can have all four seasons in the space of one day - but I am most grateful for the fact that we do have seasons.  When I think about countries which have extreme heat or cold for the most part of the year I think we are so lucky here to have respite from the highs and lows with the best bits of spring and autumn in between.  Of course it would be nice if we didn't have quite so much rain when it's time to go dog walking!

PS Daily update - having had a very productive day of cleaning, tidying and gardening yesterday I think a very relaxed, book reading, jigsaw puzzling, crossword solving day has be earned!  I've learned more about American politics in the last week than I ever knew before and am still fascinated by how this is all playing out over there.  It's been a diversion from our own situation and lockdown!  


Patio Postcards said...

I'm sure those wonderful hand knitted socks will feel quite cozy on today. We have been enjoying record high temperatures - 20+(c). I am in total agreement about enjoying 4 seasons, in spite of my complaining about the snow (col). Happy Sunday.

Maggie said...

Yes I too love the seasonal changes. Although it was wet yesterday generally the weather has been pretty good for the past week.

alexa said...

That's a super photo of the rain ... I never have much luck with shots like that. Glad you were able to enjoy it from inside and still have a sense of achievement.

Barbara Eads said...

I'm so glad we were able to provide a diversion!! We're all very glad it's over!

Yes, after all that work, you deserve a break. Plus, there's nothing better than a rainy day to lay around. Nice days make you feel too guilty to do it.

I think a lot of people have the misconception that y'all have a lot of rainy days. Maybe it's true, but the UK is my favorite place in the world. We have been many times (okay, only 6 times) at all different times of the year except winter. We've always had the nicest weather. Once on our trip to Scotland, we had one pretty rainy day, but that was it. I agree that I love the change of seasons too. It's pretty hot here, but we do have all 4 seasons!

This West London Life said...

Rainy days are made for handknitted socks ... and have you seen this weekend's forecast?

The outcome of the US election is riveting - all those years watching West Wing have paid off! :) said...

This photo really caught my eye. Maybe because we don't have rain much? It sprinkled about 2 drops the day I as trying to capture my 'weather' photo and I tried to get a picture of it splashed on the window but it evaporated before I could focus the camera!! Ha! We only have about 2 or 3 really rainy days a year. Would be nice to have one in the near future.

I have not been able watch the news for over a week now. The national news stories alternate between the election and Covid. And our local news is all Covid related. Exhausting.

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Oh yes we do like to complain about the weather but I'm still glad that we have seasons. I'm still following the US election as I'm interested how it will all work out in the end.