Tuesday, 1 February 2022

A sentence a day in January 2022


Well, I wonder what this year has in store for us!  It's started off with Paul in isolation and me having to do daily tests so that's not the best start is it?  I know it is ending with a dentist appointment so let's see all the bits that happened in between ...

Day 1 It was a bright, mild day today - perfect conditions for having a bit of a tidy up in the garden, it was so good to clear up out there and see the shoots of bulbs coming up through the soil.  Still negative.

Day 2 The twice daily dog walks are making no impact on the scales, I think the extra exercise is just giving me an appetite!  Still negative.

Day 3 Took down the Christmas decorations, it looks a little bare around the house but I was ready to get the house back to normal.  Still negative and I can now legally stop testing!

Day 4 Had Leo and Rosie here to help decorate the gingerbread men I made yesterday, it had been so long since they'd been here and they were so excited.

Day 5 Paul's isolation ends!  Who is happiest, me or Coco? (whose dog walks will now be longer and will cover more muddy terrain!)

Day 6 Blimey it's cold today, didn't get above 5 degrees, a good excuse to curl up with our bookclub's book of the month.

Day 7 Popped over to Jon's in the afternoon to collect some shelves

Day 8 Jon and family came for lunch, was lovely to see baby Olive again - especially now she has learned to smile

Day 9 Had a bit of a lazy day, did some crochet, read some of my book, cooked dinner, watched an episode of Stay Close on Netflix

Day 10 Went into town to print off some photos so we have up to date pictures in the dining room - the first time we have had four framed photos!

Day 11 Rosie was here for the day, we had a lot of fun making a den to play in, then surrounding it with stepping stone cushions and then playing 'the floor is lava' 

Day 12 Our day for having Max, he was in an energetic mood and Nanny was shattered by the time she took him home!

Day 13 First Zumba of the new year, was so much fun, then spent the afternoon spring cleaning the conservatory - I think it will be an early night for me tonight!

Day 14 Our first social event of the year - an Indian takeaway at our friends' house in the evening - it was actually a much delayed pre-Christmas get together that never happened

Day 15 Not sure where the day went if I'm being honest - catching up on chores and batch cooking for the freezer mainly!

Day 16 Rachel and family here for Sunday lunch, Leo had received a worm farm kit for Christmas and he was desperate to go digging in the garden with Grandad to find worms to put in it.

Day 17 Woke up to a very heavy frost - de-icing the car before I drove into town was not at all pleasant

Day 18 Had Rosie here for the day, whilst talking about birthdays I told her that I was 63 which sounds very old and I'll be 64 in March , 'yes Nanny' she said, 'first you get old, then you die' I have to admit it didn't make me feel too good!

Day 19 Max was here and is two days into potty training - I can't lie, things did not go well!  

Day 20 Today is the 24th anniversary of my dad dying - such a long time ago, but I still miss him

Day 21 Yesterday I had my hair cut - a lot shorter!  Took me by surprise when I saw myself in the mirror first thing this morning!

Day 22 What a day - started off by finding out that our central heating system wasn't working, then my car alarm went off for no reason whatsoever and would not turn off!  Roadside assistance couldn't fix it so it's now in the garage.

Day 23 Managed to get a heating engineer out and we now have hot radiators

Day 24 Out of the blue, Rachel was invited to interview for what seems to be her ideal job so we looked after Rose and Daisy so she could concentrate properly on her zoom call - she was offered the job there and then!  

Day 25 Had Rosie here as normal, most of our games now are imaginative play involving her being Mummy to her babies.

Day 26 Max came for the day and housework shamed me, "Nanny this floor needs washing" what a cheek! However he was happy to be the one who got the Flash Mop out and do the job.

Day 27 Zumba then a quiet afternoon - car is back from garage, apparently they could find no fault so I'm now just feeling nervous each time I lock it and set the alarm! 

Day 28 Met up with two ex-work colleagues for lunch out - was delicious

Day 29 Went to Jon and Sophie's with Rachel and her family to have the Boxing Day that we never got to have the day after Christmas - was so lovely to all be together and the kids loved having unexpected belated presents!

Day 30 What a beautiful, bright sunny day, was perfect weather for a dog walk this morning.

Day 31 So I thought I was ending the month at the dentist but the appointment ended up being cancelled as my dentist is unwell - so I'd spent the weekend stressing for nothing - however, it's just delaying the inevitable isn't it?  I'll be all stressed again in three weeks time when the new appointment comes round!

So that is the first month of the new year over, and here's the video to condense it all down to 31 seconds - 1 Second Everyday

Would be great if you were to join in too!


Natasha said...

I'm so glad all your tests came back negative. And at least your grandson helped with cleaning after pointing it out!!! Hahaha!!! Congratulations to your daughter on her new job!

Patio Postcards said...

WOW what a very busy month you have had. So glad all the family are well now & able to once again enjoy each other's company. Nice in profile photo of you with the shorter hair.

This West London Life said...

What an incredibly busy start to the year for you! I agree that your new haircut looks fab!

Joanne said...

Your hair looks fabulous! I must admit I laughed at both the aging/dying comment and the dirty floors... you just never can tell what kids will say!

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Good that you dodged Covid and the dentist! Amusing about being housework-shamed by your grandson. Your hair looks great!

alexa said...

I do like your haircut - it's very elfin, and suits you. What a busy month! Glad you didn't get Covid ..

Jennifer said...

Those are mighty cute gingerbread bakers!! And cute haircut, for sure! Happy Monday:)

onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com said...

Your haircut is adorable. So flattering. I got scalped last week with not nearly as attractive results. Wanting to hide until it grows out. UGH.

Congrats to Rachel on the wonderful job opportunity. Lauren is contemplating taking a leave of absence or going to part-time for a bit. She is so overwhelmed and her health issues are taking a toll. Cami is home sick again today. And Lauren's ablation access site has abscessed. It is always something.

Cami is mid-potty training, too. It is going to be the death of all of us. She is very obstinate!! Hope Max has the hang of things by now.

Glad you are back at Zumba and socializing some. And have managed to stay well. We are trying to get back to exercise too. Have promised myself to run a mile a day for my #100dayproject. Now to do it.

Big warm hugs!!

Barbara Eads said...

There is always so much to comment on in these monthly posts. Your grands are growing fast and so darn cute!! I think it's awesome that you get to see them so much. Sadly, mine are all grown now! Still I get to see them fairly regularly. Love your haircut. It really suits you.

Wildflower Adventures said...

That haircut looks good on you. Sounds like lots of fun with the Grands & a good start to the new year. I had to reschedule a dental appointment & it's delaying the dread. Karen