Monday 5 February 2024

Me on Monday 5 February

Although we have lots of daffodil leaves peeking through the ground, there is just one solitary flower standing sentry in the front garden.  Come on sunshine, let's see if we can entice a few more to open up and show off their petals!

 After a full on week of helping out here, there and everywhere, it was nice to have a weekend with very little on the calendar.  Just a meal out as a belated birthday celebrations for my friend whose birthday is Christmas Day and for Paul whose birthday was on 12 December.  As December is always super busy they decided to celebrate at the beginning of the year when things are somewhat quieter.  

It was nice to catch up on doing some baking and a few more rounds of my crochet this weekend - square number two is now complete!  I'm trying to pace myself more with this blanket.  Normally I start and then can't wait to have it finished but I'm going to take my time over this one and enjoy the process more than just wanting to see what the end result is!

So today sees me meeting up with my friend Sally.  We were really close friends after meeting back in 1986 when we were both expecting our first babies and that friendship has continued despite her moving away when her husband changed jobs.  Not too far that we couldn't still meet up but too far for a couple of hours to just have a cup of coffee.  Now she has retired too we have picked a point half way between our homes and will be meeting for lunch and I can't wait!  I haven't seen her in person for almost a year so we have much news to share and lots of grandchildren photos to share.

I shall be ending the week as I start it with lunch with a friend that I go to Zumba with.  Although we see each other every Thursday, there isn't time for a proper chat before or after class so we plan to have a nice leisurely lunch putting the world to rights.

Without giving the impression I do nothing but eat and drink, we also have friends coming for Sunday lunch next weekend so I really need to think about what I will be cooking. That's not a chore though, I enjoy looking through cookery books.

Nearly forgot my random piece of information; it was this day in 1924 that the Greenwich Time Signal (six short 'pips' to mark the start of the hour) was introduced. I feel that in honour of this, I should schedule this post to go live exactly on the hour of 8.00 am!

Is spring starting to come into sight where you live?  I think it is gradually creeping closer here, thank goodness.


Patio Postcards said...

A wonderful week that was, with lots of social time with friends & an upcoming week of catching up with friends. Spending time going through cookbooks always encourages me to try some new ones on my weekly menu plan, mixed in with some old favourites. Interesting about the pip pip to announce the hour.

Ruth said...

What a good idea to delay birthday celebrations from December to January - eminently sensible! Your dance card is looking very full this month, lucky you!
I read about the 'pips' - I often use them to set the kitchen clock. :)

Jennifer said...

Happy Monday, friend! So nice to have the perfect opportunity for bringing out all those cute grandbaby photos!! I do hope you enjoyed yourself! And daffodils seems so early but I will take any sign and reminders of spring that I can! C'mon sunshine!!

Totally random...but I was reading another blog where someone was sharing a Jamie Oliver recipe (that looked quite tasty....for spagetti) and one ingredient was "6 rashers dry-cured higher-welfare smoked streaky bacon" huh? Is that the longest and most unique description of bacon....or is that something "quite usual" for you?? Just wondering:)

Have a great week, my friend!

Jennifer said...

Deb - just had to say I noticed some phlox growing and blooming out back! What? Signs of spring here too....yippee!

Anonymous said...

I noticed some phlox blooming out back! What gorgeous flowers they are.
Have a great week!