Monday, 10 February 2025

Me on Monday

What a week we had last week! Jammed to the rafters with medical matters. I had my CT scan, my son had an ultrasound scan and daughter had an operation on her nose. By Friday I was a nervous wreck.  My son had immediate good news from his scan, my daughter’s op was a success and my experience wasn’t as traumatic as I thought it was going to be. My elbows are a rainbow of colours where they inserted the cannula for the contrast dye, unsuccessfully in my left arm then awkwardly in my right! Not sure when I’ll hear the outcome.

I bought two items this week, a pair of hand weights for Pilates and a car 😊 My new Mini is ordered and should be here end of March. It’s good to have gone through all the options and chosen colours and specifications, even though it’s only 3 years since I got my current model the design and interior have change dramatically so I will need a long time at handover to go through all the new services! 

My knit and natter group met up on Friday and yes I am STILL making my blanket

The end is in sight but it’s quite a size and weight to work on now, which is actually quite nice on a chilly winter evening!

Do you have plans for Valentine’s Day? I think we will just cook a nice meal in the evening, we are still in our February hibernation mode. I am so looking forward to warmer, drier weather and for the nights to stay lighter for longer.  I hope that whatever your plans are, you have a good week ahead 😊


Patio Postcards said...

That was quite the family medical week. Fingers crossed sooner than later with the results of Your scan. Your quilt looks complicated & lovely. No romantic plans for Valentine's Day, Mr Man has an eye injection scheduled that morning, which means a quiet rest of the day. I may use that time to prep for the 100 Day Project plans ... maybe.

Jennifer said...

Hibernation mode just about sums it up! Glad all the procedures went well - although so sorry they had to stick you so many times. Not the best start to your procedure. Here's to a week without a single medical visit or concern!! Happy Monday to you!

debs14 said...

The thought of an injection in your eye makes me feel very squeamish!
Is it really time for the annual 100 Day Project?!

debs14 said...

I am hoping for a quieter, less anxious week! said...

Hoping you get good news on your imaging very soon. Hate that you feel like a pincushion after all the sticks you endured with the contrast. I am fortunate to have very good veins - at least for now. Didn't realize your son had an ultrasound. Good grief. How is Rachel? May this week bring you peace and answers and a clear path to health.

Wish you could bottle a little of your wet weather and send it in the post. We haven't had rain (or snow) in so long. We are already enjoying spring temps but I worry what that means for summer.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Good to hear all the procedures went well, I had a text today confirming my ultrasound scan for a lump on my wrist. Good news about the Mini! No plans for V Day, we don't mark it in any way. Prefer to celebrate anniversaries.