Then trailers started appearing on tv for the new series and I realised I had an awful lot of catching up to do before I could start watching that. Fortunately, I put a request out via the school email system and discovered that a member of our art dept is a huge fan and has all the other box sets! Woohoo! I just finished series two and today she delivered series three and four. No need to ask what I will be doing over half term ;-)
I am recording series six to watch when I have caught up but it is awful trying not to hear people discussing it. When a trailer comes on the tv I have to quickly find the remote to change channels as I don't want to have the story lines spoiled. I already heard that one of the interns dies this series and dread to think who it may be.
If you know, please DON'T tell me!!!
There's nothing like a good hospital soap opera, is there? I love Grey's! I think the writing and acting are both top-notch. No spoilers from me; just enjoy!
Not one I've watched....but DD is definately hooked....my addiction is LOST.....back again .... yeeeey.....but last ever series....boo.
Lol - last night DH and I started back at episode one of series one and we're going to watch ALL of them - we watch two or three episodes a night and it should see us through until Spring :)
We didn't ever watch them on tv - we prefer to wait until they come out on dvd and then get the whole series at once and have a marathon fest of Greys :) But yes it is difficult to avoid the gossip and tv clips! Fun though and I love not having to sit through commercials!
It's amazing how much of the first two episodes we had forgotten! So much fun to watch them again :)
The only thing I know about this programme is the gorgeous Patrick Dempsey is (or was) in it - yum yum.Knowing our taste in men is similar (Tom all man Selleck) I bet you like him too,is this another soap I have to get into now ? lol
Haven't seen it at all, so you're more up to date than I am!! Enjoy :-)
PS Like the new header x
Oh no! Just chanced across your blog from a link and I totally feel like I am missing out now! will have to get the first set, to see what I have been missing out on! LOL!
I've only seen bits and pieces of Grey's - it is good fun though, I won't spoil what little I know ok?
Oh, you've got a lovely new header :). I haven't seen any of Grey's but if you're recommending it...And absolutely no to a remake of The Horsey Whisperer and most likely yes to the long lost cousin theory (especially when you factor in the height thing as well lol)
I haven't seen any of Grey's Anatomy, But have heard that it is good. Happy watching Deb :)
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