Wednesday 3 March 2010

Exotic goings on in deepest Hertfordshire

This is a little glimpse of something I will be wearing tonight. Can you guess where I am going?
Belly Dancing!
Yay! It's part of an extra class that my Rosemary Conley organiser is offering. Taster classes in various dancing styles. Last week was Salsa which was great fun, and the music (mostly Ricky Martin) was upbeat and fun. I've tried belly dancing before - once! It was hilarious, fun and painful in equal measures. Painful because keeping your hips moving for an hour becomes a little tiring after a while. Well, after about 5 minutes for me. I'm sure having little legs is a distinct disadvantage.
Last year my husband and I went to Tunisia for a week at Easter and I bought the skirt shown above on a whim whilst walking through the Mdina in Sousse, just in case a 2nd belly dance class should ever materialise. So when I saw the extra class I had to sign up for it. I'm really looking forward to tonight. I'm no good at it but what I lack in expertise I make up for in effort.
Next week? BOLLYWOOD! Watch this space ....


Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh how fun! And it's even more fun that you have that amazing skirt to wear! I've tried belly dancing and you're right - it's not easy. Taking a class makes you appreciate the art when you see someone who is an experienced belly dancer. Enjoy!!! :o)

Sian said...

You never cease to surprise us! In a very good way of course. We will need a complete report on this. Photos would also be good. :) Seriously, have fun!

Denise said...

Well !!! Bet you are going to look and sound the part with all that shimmying - have fun xxx

scrappyjacky said...

We definately need photos!!!!

Maria Ontiveros said...

How fun to be able to write this sentence:
I went to Tunisia for a week at Easter and I bought the skirt shown above on a whim whilst walking through the Mdina in Sousse. . .

Scrappi Sandi said...

Oh how fabulous...I have an entire outfit in black, bought in Turkey...I did enroll on a course & did three sessions...then the instructor changed the times & I couldn't make it any more (...note to self...find another class!!!)
I loved it...I hope you have a fab time...shimmy those coins girl!!!

I also loved the medina in Sousse...except for the bulls head & sheets of tripe hanging up outside the butchers!!

humel said...

I too would LOVE to see photos!! I'll settle for full details though...

Funny, I walked through the medina in Tunis and didn't feel any urge to buy belly-dancing gear!!

Rachel Brett said...

Sounds like great fun, I've always wanted to try belly dancing. Maybe I should wait until after the baby is born though, Otherwise it will be belly shaking!!!! ;)