I work in the school office of a secondary school. We have 800 girls in Years 7 -11 and a mix of 300 boys and girls in the 6th form. In Years 7 to 11 the girls have to wear uniform. It's not a particularly attractive uniform, brown pleated kilt, brown and white striped blouse and brown blazer with the school crest embroidered on it.
The other day at lunch time a group of us secretaries were in the staff rooom discussing how students' attitudes are changing and how they don't have the same respect for teachers, or adults as a whole, that we had when we were young. Even the uniform, honestly, it shouldn't be that hard to stick to the uniform, yet every day girls are sent to the office for uniform infringements. We harked back to our days when the threat of being sent to Miss Crook's office was enough to have you rolling down the waistband of your skirt so it was less revealing and buttoning up your blouse. WE were so much better behaved. WE wouldn't have dared flaunt the rules. Oh no we wouldn't. With sparkly halos shining, we went back to work.

nope lol - those skirts look regulation length to me ;) Absolutely ;)
I love your title! I've been having great fun this year watching The Small One work her uniform look as she started Grammar School. Happy memories :)
Very funny! No uniforms for public schools here. A dress code to keep things from being too revealing. My kids can't believe it when I told them I had to wear a dress or skirt to school - no pants or shorts for girls in those days!
Aw yes...what comes around goes around. :o) Cute post!
lol!! So true.... x
Look at you in your mini skirt- what a fab photo - and I so remember how good WE were in those days, we never flouted rules ..lol..great post.
What a great photo! We had a very strict uniform policy in Secondary school and we were punished for not adhering to it .... we always tried small 'adjustments' though ;-)
He He He He...I remember those days too well...of course we NEVER flouted the rules AT ALL!!!!LOL!!!
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