Thursday 4 November 2010

A balanced diet (edited version)

The weather was bright and sunny on Sunday and the husband and I went for a nice walk in the countryside right by where we live. I suggested that we took a bag with us, in case there were any sloes left in the hedgerow as, apparently, sloe gin tastes different when made with early sloes, in comparison to those later in the season. So having made some with the early ones, it was only right and proper in the interests of consumer comparisons that we made some with a later crop. We were in luck, along the edge of the cricket field next to our house, the hedges still had some mature sloes. We brought them home, put them in a bowl of water to rinse them clean and then I laid them out on some kitchen roll to dry out. How surprised was I to find this little fellow clinging onto a sloe for dear life? Isn't he cute? So tiny, less than the size of your small fingernail. But still not a thing I wanted in my sloe gin so the husband was given the job of taking him out into the garden to find a new home. So whilst on a food theme, I want to show you these cookies that I made yesterday on my day off. Cranberry cookies from a recipe I copied off someones blog at the weekend. But I checked a fair few blogs and can't remember whose it was? Does anyone out there recognise these? Because I have to say they are delicious and I would like to send credit where credit is due!

I have a sneaky feeling it may have been a 'British Blog' because the quantities are all in grams rather than cups. They have porridge oats and dried cranberries in them which in my mind makes them a healthy snack and certainly one of my 'five a day'. Whoever shared the recipe, a huge thank you, these are going to be made again and again!

It was Ruth! She was the one who posted these delicious cookies. Do try them, they really are winners. Thanks to those who recongnised them so that I could edit this to tell everyone where to find them!


alexa said...

I didn't know that about sloes, that there was a difference in taste between early and late picking ... Your cranberry oaties look delicious and so glad you saved the little feller.:)

Liberty :) said...

I think they might be Ruths aka furry pig! cute snail!!!

Sian said...

Aah, now you tell me! We've got some early stuff on the go, but I didn't know there were different vintages. Interesting!

Amy said...

They are Ruth's Deb - from the blog hop ... but not furrypig - Ruth from Everyday life of a Suburban Stay at home Mum. I have made these as well - yummy aren't they?
So, I take it, sloe gin is an infused gin? Sloes look like blueberries - snails look like snails anytime though!

Cheri said...

Sloe gin fizz was my first foray into alcoholic beverages at the ripe old age of 17 (legal drinking in New York was 18 back then). I never new it was made from berries (or that there was variety of berry called "sloes"). Learn something new every day.

This West London Life said...

They are indeed my cookies ~ glad you enjoyed them!

Rachel Brett said...

The cookies look gorgeous Deb and the little stowaway is so cute! :)

Anonymous said...
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humel said...

I recognised Ruth's cookies, too - they're on my list to try, must note down the ingredients before tomorrow's Asda trip :-)

So, are you giving away any samples of this sloe gin???

Anonymous said...

Oh I love that tiny snail. We have loads of sloes around here but as neither of us drink it would be a waste of time to make sloe gin. Those cookies look delicious though.