Wednesday 1 February 2012

Passing inspection

Today is my day off from work and I had arranged to join some friends to become 'Ladies who lunch'.  It was also the day that the 365+1 word prompt was Accessory and I chose to photograph the scarf that I was wearing as at this time of year, my first choice of accessory is a woven scarf.  I eventually chose the close up picture for the project but also experimented with a self portrait.  This will illustrate my story.

Turns out I was early for lunch (that was a first for me, I'm normally running late) and so I sat at a window table and ordered a nice glass of Montepulciano to drink while I waited for my friends and browsed the menu.  I looked out of the window and saw my daughter walking down the street.  As I was feeling a bit like 'Billy no mates' or someone whose date has stood them up, I waved to her and she came over to step into the restaurant to say hello.  I stood up and she immediately took a step back to evaluate how I looked.  Mothers of older daughters will know what I mean by that statement! Approval of how you look is not necessarily guaranteed. 'Oh, I see you've taken trouble to blow dry your hair properly' was her first comment as she fluffed up one side and turned me to check on the back.  Followed by 'Oh, that dress looks really nice on you'.  The dress was her Christmas present to me so I knew it would be approved.  'I like the way you've added that scarf' she said.  'And it looks great with opaque tights.  Well done Mum'.  By now, the other people in the restaurant had noticed my appraisal and as we both looked round, everyone immediately put their heads down to concentrate on their meals!  Satisfied that I was dressed appropriately she went on her way.  Anybody else out there whose kids feel it is their job to check that they are not getting 'frumpy'?  Or is it just me?!


Sandra said...

Lol, but did you feel good. She's right you look lovely. I don't think we take enough photos of ourselves we're so used to being behind the camera, it's good to step out in front of it from time to time :)

Sian said...

You look terrific! And I'm not just saying that because I happen to be wearing a scarily similar dress, scarf combo today :)

scrappyjacky said...

Her comments were certainly correct,Deb....lovely outfit.
When we went on holiday with our daughters this year....they insisted on checking what clothes we were taking before we packed them....just in case we might embarrass them!!!!

Jo.C said...

I was thinking how good you were looking in the first photo so the rest of the words made me laugh. And no wanting light nights to be able to photograph is no excuse but if you are still saying that in June then I may have to say it is :0)
Lucky you to be a lady who lunches!

Cheri said...

My kids rarely say anything at all, but I can feel the glares boring through my back when they don't approve. Hope you enjoyed your lunch after all that fussing!

Amy said...

Mine are still in that lovely stage where they think that I look good because I might be wearing their favourite colour or that I have lipgloss on - it's something I chuckle over quite often!

Your outfit does look great - no frumpy mums here thankyouverymuch!

Lou said...

thankfully i have boys :) Lovely photo and you looked great - hope you enjoyed your lunch.

Alison said...

I know exactly where you're coming from Deb...and you do look great!
Alison xx

Sandie said...

You pass with flying colours. Love your daughters cheek!

Beverly said...

I agree with her, you did quite well :) Having two grown boys they generally don't take much notice.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Oh yeah - my 13 year old will often let me know what she thinks!

Scrappi Sandi said...

LOL...thank goodness I have boys!! Although my 12 year old is very quick to critique how I look, but has already mastered the art of tact!!!

I am a firm believer in accesorising! Scarves are a firm favourite! I think you look fabulous BTW!! :)

Peachy Stream said...

Lol great photo, great story and of course you look fab!!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Haha! Oh no, my dear, you are not alone! And that outfit is adorable on you so I'm glad your girl approved. :o)